مدرسة القطاع الشمالى الثانوية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الوحدة(4)للصف الثانى الثانوى

2 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل

الوحدة(4)للصف الثانى الثانوى Empty الوحدة(4)للصف الثانى الثانوى

مُساهمة  علاء أشرف الثلاثاء ديسمبر 01, 2009 3:54 pm


Key Vocab:

attach (v) يربط bring up(v) يربي
cooperate(v) يتعاون pack(n) قطيع من الحيوانات
situation(n) موقف string (n) خيط / دوبارة
tolerance(n) تسامح individual sport(n) رياضة فردية
team sports(n) رياضات جماعية sports centre(n) مركز رياضي
combination(n) مزيج / خليط choose / chose / chosen(v) يختار
decision(n) قرار depend(v) يعتمد
exciting(adj.) مثير Keep (v) يحافظ علي
mix(v) يخلط / يختلط reason(n) سبب
prove(v) يثبت group(n) مجموعة


basketball كرة السلة squash اسكواش
hockey الهوكي volleyball الكرة الطائرة
tennis التنس football كرة القدم
boxing الملاكمة wrestling المصارعة
swimming السباحة running الجري
badminton تنس الريشة jogging الجري الخفيف
team games ألعاب جماعية keep fit يحافظ علي لياقته
advertisement إعلان running shoes حذاء الجري
trainers مدربين tennis tournament دورة تنس
wheel عجلة activities أنشطة
suggestions اقتراحات involve يتضمن
intention نية / قصد definition تعريف
arrangement ترتيب make a prediction يتنبأ
rainy ممطر sunny مشمس
stormy عاصف a degree شهادة علمية / درجة
form يكون / شكل skills مهارات
collect يجمع footballer لاعب كرة قدم
content محتوي original أصلي
facilitate يسهل score a goal يحرز هدف
patient صبور / مريض hunt يصطاد (حيوان)
prey فريسة protect يحمي
recent حديث experiment تجربة
complex معقد personal experience خبرة شخصية
editor محرر photographer مصور
illustrator شخص يقوم بعمل الرسوم التوضيحية للكتب designer مصمم
business manager مدير أعمال look like يشبه
extra إضافي a guide book دليل (كتاب لإرشاد السياح)
a sandstorm عاصفة رملية crowded مزدحم
plans خطط enormous هائل
size حجم / مقاس goalkeeper حارس المرمي
wolf ذئب tolerant متسامح
wild animal حيوان بري أو متوحش predict يتنبأ
intend ينوي / يقصد combine يخلط / يجمع / يمزج
evident واضح particular معين
evidence دليل compare يقارن
criticize ينقد instructions تعليمات
intelligence ذكاء properly بشكل مناسب
greedy جشع beliefs معتقدات
flexible مرن strength قوة
natural طبيعي display يعرض / عرض
definitely بالتأكيد post = job وظيفة
type = kind نوع edition طبعة من كتاب / نسخة
a reply رد

Words and their antonyms:

tie يربط untie يفك
fit لائق (بدنيا) unfit غير لائق
ill مريض well بصحة جيدة
enormous هائل tiny صغير جدا
strong قوي weak ضعيف
intelligent ذكي stupid غبي
cooperative متعاون uncooperative غير متعاون
patient صبور impatient غير صبور
pull يشد / يجذب push يدفع
refuse يرفض accept يقبل
simple بسيط complex معقد
narrow ضيق wide=spacious واسع / فسيح
flexible مرن inflexible غير مرن


mix with people يختلط بالناس depend on = rely on يعتمد علي
work with each other يعملون مع بعضهم البعض refer to يشير إلي
talk about يتحدث عن ask for advice يطلب نصيحة
pass the ball to يمرر الكرة إلي send into space يرسل إلي الفضاء
hunt in packs يصطاد في مجموعات live in groups يعيش في جماعات
attached to=tied to مربوط بـ benefit from يستفيد من
cooperate with يتعاون مع show tolerance towards يظهر تسامح تجاه
people of different ages الناس من مختلف الأعمار come out تصدر (صحيفة مثلا)
live on the moon يعيش علي القمر look out of the window ينظر من النافذة
specialize in يتخصص في related to مرتبط بـ
answer to حل أو إجابة لـ solution to حل لـ
pass on knowledge to ينقل المعرفة إلي at times = sometimes أحيانا
go on holiday يذهب في أجازة take responsibility for يتحمل المسئولية عن
lose to يخسر أمام

Irregular Verbs:

dig/dug/dug يحفر drive/drove/driven يقود (سيارة)
do/did/done يفعل eat/ate/eaten يأكل
draw/drew/drawn يرسم fall/fell/fallen يسقط
dream/dreamed/dreamed يحلم feed/fed/fed يطعـم
drink/drank/drunk يشرب feel/felt/felt يشعر


Verb Noun Adj. Adv.
fit يناسب fitness لياقة fit لائق
tolerate يتسامح مع tolerance التسامح tolerant متسامح
protect يحمي protection حماية protective واقي
greediness الجشع greedy جشع greedily بطريقة جشعة
differ يختلف difference فرق / اختلاف different مختلف
prove يثبت / يبرهن proofبرهان / دليل
believe يعتقد belief اعتقاد

Important Vocabulary for translation and composition:

a vital role دور حيوي a national project مشروع قومي
backbone العمود الفقري challenges تحديـات
Consequences نتائج / عواقب a productive society مجتمع منتج
threatenيهـدد A democratic atmosphere جو ديمقراطي
deprive of يحرم من globalization العولمـة
Freedom of the press حرية الصحافة a national duty واجب قومي
competition منافسـة achieve success يحقق النجاح

Language Notes:
•لاحظ أن كلمة sports تستخدم صفة قبل بعض الكلمات:
sports clothes a sports festival a sports centre
•Do / play sports يلعب أو يمارس الرياضة
•We should do sports to get fit.

•On (his) own وحيد / بمفرده of (his) own تدل علي الملكية
•He did the job on his own. بمفرده
•He has a room of his own. تدل علي الملكية

•Experience خبرة
•conduct / carry out / do an experiment يجري تجربة
•This job needs a long experience.
• Scientists are doing experiments to test the effectivenessفعالية of the new drug.

•Encourage to +inf يشجع علي/ discourage from + v+ing يمنع من
•We should encourage our children to read.
•We should discourage people from polluting the environment.

•Spend (time) + v-ing
•I spent the evening reading an exciting story.

•Go = become يصبح
Go bad يفسد/ blind يصبح أعمي/ deaf أصم/ dumb أبكم

•Get = become
get fit لائق جسميا/ get angry / get depressed مكتئب

•Have = have got = own يملك
• I have a car = I have got a car.
• Do you have a car ? = Have you got a car?
• I don't have = I haven't got

•في الماضي نستخدم had للتعبير عن الملكية :
• I had a car when I was in London.
•نستخدم will have للتعبير عن الملكية في المستقبل:
• I will have a computer next week.

•تستخدم have فقط للتعبير عن الملكية بعد to و الأفعال الناقصة مثل must / should وغيرها ولا يمكن استخدام have got بهذا الشكل:
• I want to have a camera.
• I should have a lot of money to buy this car.

•لاحظ أن have تستخدم بمعاني أخري غير يملك وفي هذه الحالة لا نستخدم have got
Have a meal / have a party / have a holiday / have an accident

•End in a draw ينتهي بالتعادل
• The match ended in a draw.

•Lose to يخسر أمام ..
• Egypt lost to Brazil by 2 goals.

•Score a goal يحرز هدف (في الرياضة)
Realize / achieve a goal يحقق هدف (في الحياة)

•a Family member فرد من أفراد الأسرة
a society member عضو في المجتمع
a team member عضو في فريق

•الكلمات الآتية تستخدم adverb / adjective حسب وضعها في الجملة:
Daily / weekly / monthly / yearly / early
• He gets a yearly salary of 50,000 dollars. (adj.)
• The conference is held yearly. (adv.)
Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
1- Football and hockey are (group – individual – pack – team) sports
2- We should show (tolerance – dependence – ambulance – appliance) towards other people.
3- She was (brought up – brought down – brought in – brought around) by her grandmother.
4- He found himself in a difficult (salutation – sanitation – situation – solution) when he lost his money.
5- Use this cable to (approach – attack - attach – catch) the printer to the computer
6- All citizens should (commemorate – cooperate – decorate – demonstrate) with the government to solve the problem of pollution.
7- Boxing and wrestling are examples of (team – group – family – individual) sports.
8- We use (string – sting – stream – stain) for fastening and tying things:
9- She has had to make some very difficult (occasions – decisions – discussions – explosions).
10- Ricardo (stored – stoned - scored - brought) a goal in the last minute of the match.


Future Simple Tense
• يتكون المستقبل البسيط من:
Will / shall + inf.
• لاحظ استخدام will مع كل الضمائر واستخدام shall مع I / we فقط:

• يستخدم المستقبل البسيط مع كلمات مثل:
Next (year/month/week…) / in the future / soon / in a year, month, week / tomorrow / this time next week / this time tomorrow
• I'll meet him tomorrow morning.
• She will visit us soon.
• Where will you be this time next year?
• لاحظ استخدام المستقبل البسيط غالبا مع:
I expect …/ I'm sure …/ I think / I don't think / I wonder / probably / I suppose /I hope /
I believe / I feel sure / Perhaps..

• I expect she will pass the test.
• I don't think he will leave the country.
• I wonder what will happen.
• I'll probably be home late this evening.
• ويستخدم المستقبل البسيط مع If في الحالة الأولي :
• If I know his address, I'll write him a letter.

Will is used:

1- To express a true fact التعبير عن حقيقة • I'll be 18 next week.
2- To predict event التنبؤ بالأحداث • The plane will land in half an hour.
3- To decide something quickly. اتخاذ قرار بعمل شيء • I'll have coffee, please.
4- To offer to do something في حالة العرض • I'll clean the car for you.
5- To ask someone to do somethingطلب عمل شيء من شخص
• Will you look at my homework tonight?
6- To make an arrangement الترتيب لعمل شيء • I'll see you this evening.
7- To make a threat التهديد • I'll resign if I don't get a pay rise.

Shall (I / we)

• I / We shall go to Cairo next month.
• You / He / She / It / They will stay here.
1- To make suggestions: في تكوين الاقتراح shall تستخدم
• Shall I meet you on Friday? • Shall we have a party?
2- To make offers: في العرض
• Shall I help you with your homework?

• Shall / will = 'll
•I'll do it. You'll do it.

•will not = won't
•Shall shan't / (في السؤال المذيل)
• We shall meet the boss tomorrow, shan't we?
: am / is / are + going to تستخدم •
• للتعبير عن نية أو عمل مخطط له قبل لحظة الحديث:
• We are saving up because we are going to buy a car.
• I'm going to make some coffee. Do you want some?
•للتنبؤ بحدث في المستقبل يوجد ما يدل عليه في الحاضر:
• I think I'm going to fail this exam. (I haven't done much work)
• I think it's going to rain. The sky's looking very dark.
•تعبر was / were going to + inf. عن شيء لـم يحدث في الماضي:
• I was going to tidy the flat, but I didn’t have time.
• لاحظ أن :
Are you going to + inf. = Do you intend to + inf.

• Are you going to buy a new car? (Do…)
Do you intend to buy a new car?
• Is she going to take the test? (Does)
Does she intend to take the test?

•استخدام المضارع المستمر للتعبير عن المستقبل (و يشير أيضا إلى وجود ترتيبات مسبقة):
He's travelling to Cairo tomorrow. (He's got his tickets)
I'm going home in half an hour. (I have arranged it with the boss)
•استخدام المضارع البسيط للتغبير عن المستقبل (و يرتبط ذلك بجداول المواعيد الخاصة مثلا بوسائل المواصلات و المسرح و السينما و المدرسة و غير ذلك:
•You leave Cairo International Airport at 7 p.m. and arrive in Paris at 11 p.m.
•The film starts at 9. •The exam takes place on 2nd April.

The future continuous: المستقبل المستمر

Will/shall + be + ING
•يستخدم للتعبير عن حدث سوف يكون مستمرا في وقت معين في المستقبل:

•A : Can I come and see you at 4 o'clock tomorrow?
B : No. I'll be driving to the airport then. Come at 2.30 before I leave.

•Between 9 and 11 a.m. tomorrow I'll be studying.

Choose the correct answer:
1- I (am flying – fly – going to fly – flies) to Moscow tomorrow.
2- The train from Cairo (has arrived – will be arriving – arrives – was arriving) at 5.15 p.m. tomorrow morning.
3- He (may drive – shall drive – drives - is driving) the children to the match tonight. He has booked 3 tickets.
4- I think I (buy – am buying – will buy – had been buying) this watch.
5- Tom (is seeing – saw – has seen – was going to see) the director in a few minutes.
6- I promise I (have bought – will buy – am going to buy – must buy) you a nice present.
7- The cup is on the edge of the table. It (is falling – has fallen – is going to fall – will be falling).
8- She has already packed her luggage. She (is going to – might – has been – shall) leave.
9- I (break – has broken – will break – will be breaking) your neck if you do that again.
10- (Might – May – Should – Will) you buy me some stamps, please?
11- They (leave – would have left – would be leaving – are leaving) for Rome tomorrow morning.
12- (Do – Does – Are – Will) you intend to resign from the company?
13- The forecast says it's (be going to – going to – will – shall) be hot and sunny tomorrow.
14- My cousin and his wife (must – were going to – shouldn't – are going to) have a baby next spring.
15- A: My car has broken down. B: Don't worry. I (will – mustn't – ought – need) give you a life.
16- (Do – Will – Should – May) you give that to Ali when you see him, please?
17- If he's late again, I (should – ought – going to – will) be angry.
18- We (shall – will have – are going – ought) let you know as soon as there's any news.
19- I don't think he (shall – will – couldn't – might) come on time.
20- Between 10 and 12 a.m. tomorrow, They (travel – travelled – have travelled – will be travelling) to London.
Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them correctly:
1- She is gone to finish her work early today.
2- Can she intend to study medicine in the USA?
3- We are packing our luggage because we have gone to travel to Italy.
4- Should you close that window, please?
5- The bookcase isn't well fixed. It's will go falling.

Time conjunctions استخدام الروابط الزمنية مع المستقبل

After/Before/When/As soon as/the moment/ till /until + مضارع بسيط او مضارع تام مستقبل بسيط

 After I do my homework, I’ll go out.
 Before he types the reports, he will have dinner.
 As soon as she arrives in London, she will send me a postcard.
We’ll leave the moment it stops raining.
 She won’t see the film until she does the cleaning.
I’ll stay with you till the doctor arrives.
• First she will do the shopping. Then she will go to the bank. (After / Before / until)
After she does the shopping, she will go to the bank.
Before she goes to the bank, she will do the shopping.
She won’t go to the bank until she does the shopping.

•لاحظ أنه بدلا من المستقبل يمكن أحيانا استخدام فعل أمر :

•After you finish your work, please turn off the lights.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1. She leaves when the meeting ends.
2. After he is seeing the film, he will go to bed.
3. She will travel when she will get her visa.
4. Before she cleans the house, she is doing the shopping.
5. As soon as he will finish the job, he will go to the theatre.

Choose the correct answer:
1- As soon as he (is finishing – will finish – to finish – finishes) his work, he’ll go home.
2- I (phoned – had phoned – will phone – have phoned) my friend after he comes back from London.
3- Before she (does – will do – had done – did) the washing up, she will see a movie.
4- I (wouldn’t – won’t – would – might) leave until I have lunch.
5- When she (sees – had seen – saw – will see) her exam results, she will be so happy.
6- He (got – will get – would get – had got) a job as soon as he gets his degree.
7- As soon as Peter arrives, (told – will tell – would tell – tell) him to come to the manager’s office.
8- Before you operate this machine, (read – will read – has read – had read) the instructions very well.
9- I will wait here until they (had called – are calling – will call – call) my name.
10- When she (get – gets – will get – had got) the new job, she will move into a new house.

Asking for Advice / Giving Advice

Asking for Advice Giving Advice
Which (sport) do you think I should choose? If you ask me, you should…
I want to .. What do you think I should do? If I were you, I'd …
Can you give me some advice (about)..? I think you should…
Can I ask your advice about…? Why don't you…?
It is a good idea to …
The best thing is to …

Respond to the following situations?
1- A friend wants to cook the family meal this evening, but can't decide what to make. Give advice.
2- Your friend asks for your advice about where to go on holiday. What do you reply?
3- Advise a friend who wants to take a younger brother out for the day but can't decide where to go.
4- A friend asks your advice about the best way to keep fit. What do you reply?

Test on Unit 4

A- Language Functions
1- Respond to the following situations:
1- Someone asks your opinion about the weather. What do you say?
2- Someone asks you about your plans for your next holiday. What do you say?
3- Someone asks what you want to study at university. What do you say?
4- Your friend asks you why you didn't come to his birthday party. What do you say?
2- Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1- A: You must pay a fine.
B: Why?
A: For parking in a ‘No Parking’ area.

2) A: Could you clean the floor for me, please?
B: Sure. When will dad come?
A: He’s coming soon.

B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer:
1. For animals and humans (cooperation – celebration – administration – decoration) is important for survival.
2. A good business person can quickly make an important (division – precision – confusion – decision).
3. My (addiction -prediction – construction – affection) is that you will be a successful engineer.
4. Her (attention - intention – intervention – invention) is to pass all of her exams next year.
5. The (combination – contamination – coordination – concentration) of the wind and rain made driving very difficult.
6. The coach asked the players to get into (grapes – gaps - groups – grains) of four.
7. Wolves and wild dogs usually hunt in a ( pick – brick - pack – back).
8. A (pack – stream – term – team) of surgeons operated on him.
9. The wind is getting stronger. There (would be – might be – is going to be – shall be) a thunderstorm.
10. You have had a very tiring day. I'm sure you (will – can't – have been – may not) feel better after a good night's sleep.
11. The earth is getting very crowded. Perhaps one day people (are going to – shall – will – should have) live on the moon.
12. My little sister looks very sad. She (will – shall – might not – is going to) cry.
13. I hear you are starting your university course soon. I'm sure you (shall – is going to – will – would be) enjoy it.
14. The film (has started – is started – starts – shall start) at 7 p.m. tomorrow evening.
15. They (would leave – shall leave – might leave – are leaving) for London the day after tomorrow. They've arranged everything.
16. I expect that our team (is going to – will – must – have to) lose the match.

4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1. Football players pass the ball to each other until one player can win a goal
2. Space scientists has to work in large, complex teams to send people into space.
3. Elephants and gorillas live in large family groups to bringing up their young.
4. In a recent experience, scientists showed that birds can cooperate on complex jobs.
5. The birds could see the food, but to get him into their cage, they had to pull pieces of string attached to the box.
6. Scientists found that they could successfully learn many pairs of birds to get their food in this way.

C- Reading Comprehension
5- Read the passage and answer the questions:
Sport is an important part of today’s society and plays a large role in people’s lives. From a social standpoint, sport plays a positive role in uniting people from different social backgrounds. However, it can divide them, as is often demonstrated by crowd violence at football matches.
Sport is also an important part of every child’s schooling, as it plays a big role in their physical and mental development. “It” teaches children how to work as part of a team and cooperate with others, while at the same time improving their physical condition. The only drawback to this is that children who are less able to perform well in sports are likely to feel inadequate in comparison with their more gifted classmates, which may affect their self-confidence.
From an economic point of view, sport can be very profitable as it attracts a lot of advertising . This creates profit for the sporting industry.
A-Answer the following questions:
1- In what way can sport be profitable?
2- How does sport play an important part in education?
3- What does the underlined word ‘it’ in the third paragraph refer to?
B-Choose the correct answer:
4-The children who are likely to feel inadequate are usually…..
a) good at sport b) experts at sport
c) interested in sport d) weak in sport
5-One drawback of sport at football matches is that……
a) it creates profit for the sporting industry b) it often leads to violent actions
c) it improves the physical condition d) it develops the mental condition

6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
When Abdou went to England, he was looking forward to his first journey by tube, the underground metro in London. He had heard a lot about it from his English friend Tom. However, it was not a great success.
Abdou entered the station at five o’clock in the afternoon. This is a bad time to travel in London because crowds of people go home from work at this hour. He had to join a long queue of people. When his turn came, he had difficulty in making the ticket-man understand the name of the station. The people in the queue began to complain about the delay. However, he got the right ticket and found the platform. He did not manage to get on the first train. But he was able to move nearer to the platform so as to be in a better position to get on the next one. When this came in, Abdou was unable to see the names of the stations where the train stopped. However, he had counted the number of stops so that he knew exactly where to get off.

When the train reached the station, Abdou discovered that he had travelled on a train going on the wrong direction.
A. Answer the following questions:
1- According to the passage, was the journey successful or not? Give three reasons.
2- How did Abdou succeed in getting on the second train?
3- What does the underlined word “it” refer to?

B. Choose the correct answer:

4- The people in the queue behind Abdou began to complain because ………….….
a) They stood in a queue b) The ticket-man could not understand Abdou
c) It was crowded d) Abdou took a long time

5- The best title for this passage would be ………….…
a) “The complicated metro system” b) “Abdou’s bad day”
b) "Means of transportation in London” d) "The disadvantages of the underground metro"

D- Writing
8- Write a letter to your English friend Mark telling him that you have just moved into a new house. Describe your new house and say why you like it. You live at 5 at 5 Nile Street, Assiut.

9- A)Translate into Arabic:
Cooperation is the basis of success in modern life. To be a successful team member, you should cooperate with people who are different from you and who you may not like. You should also show tolerance and respect others' opinion.

B) Translate into English:
1- يبذل العلماء جهودا هائلة لاكتشاف علاج للأمراض الخطيرة.
2- يجب أن نتعاون جميعا لكي نجعل مصر مكانا أفضل للعيش فيه.
علاء أشرف
علاء أشرف
عضو فعال
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 146
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/12/2009
العمر : 30

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الوحدة(4)للصف الثانى الثانوى Empty رد: الوحدة(4)للصف الثانى الثانوى

مُساهمة  السويفى الأربعاء ديسمبر 02, 2009 2:02 am

الوحدة(4)للصف الثانى الثانوى 94405532du5h

أرجو من السادة مدرسى اللغة الانجليزيةالدخول للأطلاع و التعليق و التصويب إن لزم االأمر
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 283
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/08/2009
الموقع : elsoifey1.tk

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

- مواضيع مماثلة

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:
لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى