مدرسة القطاع الشمالى الثانوية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الوحدة(3)للصف الثانى الثانوى

2 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل

الوحدة(3)للصف الثانى الثانوى Empty الوحدة(3)للصف الثانى الثانوى

مُساهمة  علاء أشرف الثلاثاء ديسمبر 01, 2009 3:55 pm


Key Vocab:

bargain (n) صفقة رابحة / يساوم / يفاصل surf the internet(v) يبحث عن معلومات علي الانترنت
online shopping(n) التسوق عبر الانترنت user-friendly(adj.) سهل الاستخدام
broadband connection(n) وصلة انترنت سريعة traditional(adj.) تقليدي
debit card(n) بطاقة مدين catalogue(n) كتالوج
credit card(n) بطاقة ائتمان account(n) حساب
cash(n) (v) نقد / يصرف (شيك) activity(n) نشاط
cheque(n) شيك attract(v) يجذب
interestingly(adv.) من المثير للاهتمام growth(n) نمو / زيادة
website(n) موقع علي الانترنت banking(n) صرافة / تعاملات بنكية
complain(v) يشكو survey(n) دراسة / استطلاع رأي
cost (n) (v) تكلفة / يكلف charitable(adj.) خيري


deliver يسلم / يوصل injured مصاب
attractive جذاب injury إصابة
persuade يقنع institute معهد
avoid يتجنب common شائع
payment دفع fantastic رائع
cash card بطاقة صرف own يملك
shopper متسوق owner مالك
choices اختيارات humanity الإنسانية / البشرية
popular شائع / محبوب services خدمات
customer عميل manage يدر / يتمكن من
ordinary عادي device جهاز
expert خبير devise يبتكر
delivery تسليم / توصيل air-hostess مضيفة جوية
price سعر pilot طيار
priceless لا يقدر بثمن customs الجمارك
cash machine ماكينة الصرف الآلي coins عملات معدنية
complaint شكوى banknotes عملات ورقية
adult شخص كبير او بالغ prevent يمنع
relax يسترخي prevention منع / وقاية
catch a disease يصاب بمرض trade التجارة / يتاجر
carry germs يحمل جراثيم income = revenue دخل
infect people يصيب الناس بالعدوى economy الاقتصاد
popularity شعبية economic اقتصادي
passenger راكب / مسافر traveller's cheque شيك سياحي
scientist عالم deposit يودع(في بنك)
take a photograph يلتقط صورة withdraw يسحب
design يصمم / تصميم bank clerk موظف بنك
report تقرير invest يستثمر
include يشمل investment استثمار
infection عدوي projects مشروعات
currency عملة (الدولة) dollar دولار
Euro يورو pound جنيه
cheap رخيص expensive = costly غالي
incredible لا يصدق impossible مستحيل
puzzle يحير / فزوره immediately في الحال
flying = aviation الطيران language لغة
amount كمية / مبلغ share يشارك / نصيب
disabled people الناس المعاقين convenient ملائم / مناسب
risk خطر / يجازف risky خطير
fraud نصب واحتيال actually في الواقع
damaged تالف order an item يطلب شيء أو سلعة
postcode رمز بريدي trust يثق / ثقة
package (v./n.) عبوة / يعبأ adequately = enough بشكل كاف
details تفاصيل exactly بالضبط
ivory العاج basic أساسي
mostly غالبا go online يبدأ في استخدام الانترنت
shelter مأوي facilities تسهيلات
knowledge المعرفة borders حدود

Words and their antonyms:

true حقيقي / صحيح false زائف / خطأ
credit دائن debit مدين
advantage = merit ميزة disadvantage = demerit عيب
priceless لا يقدر بثمن worthless عديم القيمة
valuable = invaluable قيم / ذو قيمة valueless بلا قيمة
buy يشتري sell يبيع
borrow يقترض / يستعير lend يسلف
lazy كسلان active نشيط
safe آمن dangerous = unsafe خطير
possible ممكن impossible مستحيل
credible يصدق incredible لا يصدق


excited about يشعر بالإثارة من log onto the internet يدخل علي الانترنت
pass from … to ينقل من ..إلي by road برا
pay for يدفع order by phone يطلب بالتليفون
buy… for someone يشتري ..من أجل شخص at the cheapest price بأرخص سعر
complain to someone يشكو إلي شخص trade with يتاجر مع
complain about something يشكو من شيء put money into an account يضع مال في حساب
get to يصل إلي advantage to / of ميزة لـ
thank for يشكر من أجل over the years علي مر السنين
order from the internet يطلب عن طريق الانترنت worry about يقلق بشأن
increase in زيادة في be based on معتمد علي
decrease in نقص في pay in cash يدفع نقدا
growth in زيادة أو نمو في pay by credit card يدفع ببطاقة الائتمان
pay by cheque يدفع بشيك look for = search for يبحث عن
discount on خصم علي at the cinema في السينما
at the weekend في نهاية الأسبوع communicate with يتصل بـ
set up a business ينشئ مشروع تجاري

Irregular Verbs:

buy/bought/bought يشتري come/came/come يأتي
cast/cast/cast يلقي/يرمي/ يوزع cost/cost/cost يكلف
catch/caught/caught يمسك/يلحق بـ creep/crept/crept يزحف
choose/chose/chosen يختار cut/cut/cut يقطع
cling/clung/clung (to) يتعلق بـ deal/dealt/dealt (with) يتعامل


Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
attract يجذب attraction جذب attractive جذاب attractively بشكل جذاب
tradition تقليد traditional تقليدي traditionally بطريقة تقليدية
connect يوصل connection وصلة
grow ينمو growth نمو
interest يهم interest اهتمام interesting شيق/ممتع interestingly من المثير للاهتمام
complain يشكو complaint شكوى

Important Vocabulary for translation and composition:

economic problems مشكلات اقتصادية job opportunities فرص العمل
developed countries الدول المتقدمة desert reclamation استصلاح الصحراء
terrorism الإرهاب an urgent solution to حل عاجل لـ
extensively علي نطاق واسع ministry of education وزارة التعليم
natural resources الموارد الطبيعية mass media وسائل الإعلام
take measures يتخذ إجراءات make great achievements يحقق إنجازات عظيمـة
preserve the environment يحافظ علي البيئة conserve the environment يحافظ علي البيئة

Language Notes:

 Debit card: بطاقة مسبوقة الدفع وعند شراء شيء يخصم ثمنه من حسابك مباشرة
 Credit card: بطاقة ائتمان وتستخدم في الشراء ويتم خصم الثمن من الحساب فيما بعد

Like ----------------best/most
► Which school subject do you like most? ► I like English best.
between بين اثنين •she sat between her parents.
among بين أكثر من اثنين •This mountain is among the highest in the world.
allow + obj. + to + inf. = let + inf. يسمح بـ
•He let me use the phone. (allow)
•He allowed me to use the phone.
•They do not allow anyone to smoke here.
Allow + ing
إذا جاء بعدها الفعل مباشرة يضاف له ing :
•They do not allow smoking here.

Do internet bankingيتعامل مع البنك عن طريق الانترنت

 habit عادة (غالبا شخصية)  custom عادة (غالبا جماعية)
• It’s my habit to get up early.
• It is a custom to give presents at Christmas.

Do/make/carry out a survey يقوم بعمل دراسة أو استطلاع رأي
 لاحظ استخدام العبارات الآتية :
Raise / increase the prices يرفع أو يزيد الأسعار
Reduce / bring down the prices يقلل الأسعار
The prices rise / go up الأسعار تزداد أو ترتفع
The prices fall / go down الأسعار تقل أو تنخفض
Control the prices يسيطر أو يتحكم في الأسعار
Be good value for money يستحق ما يدفع فيه من مال
Be poor value for money لا يستحق ما يدفع فيه من مال
The financial crisis الأزمة المالية
 هناك adverbs معينة يمكن أن يبدأ بها الكلام و يأتي بعدها جملة كاملة:
• Interestinglyبشكل مشوق / undoubtedly يلاشك/ unfortunately للأسف/ luckilyلحسن الحظ
• Interestingly, many people prefer to use traditional banks than online banking.
• Undoubtedly, he is the best person for the job.

A 16-year-old boy
لاحظ عدم جمع كلمة year في العبارة السابقة لأنها تعتبر صفة وجاء بعدها اسم ولكننا نقول :
The boy is 16 years old.

Look forward to + v-ing يتطلع إلى • I look forward to visiting London.

Special (= not ordinary) من نوع خاص/ متميز
Special care رعاية خاصة , special attention اهتمام خاص
•The government gives special care to reclaiming the desert.
•This is a special kind of cloth.
private تفيد الملكية (opposite: public عام)
a private school مدرسة خاصة a private hospital مستشفي خاص
•This is my private life. You have no right to interfereيتدخل .

Would rather + inf. ………….than + inf.يفضل
I’d rather go to the cinema than watch TV.
Would rather + inf. +n.-------than + n. يفضل
• I’d rather have coffee than tea.
Prefer + ing… to… ing يفضل prefer + n. … to…+ n. يفضل
• I prefer playing to studying. •I prefer tea to coffee.

لاحظ استخدام to+ inf. بعد الكلمات الآتية :
•The first / the second /the next / the last ------+to- inf.
• He was the first to arrive at the party.
• Mr. John was the next to speak at the meeting.

 another + اسم مفرد يعد / one (= one more / a different one)
► This tea is nice. I’d like another cup.
► He lost his job. He’s trying to find another one.

 another + (few / number : two, three,….)
► The woman lived for another ten days.
► I’d like to stay here for another few weeks.

 other + اسم جمع يعد/ (و أحيانا اسم لا يعد)
► I need to discuss this with other colleagues.
► There was certainly other information. ( لا تجمع)

 others + v. يمكن أن تأتى في نهاية الجملة
► Some people are rich; othersالبعض الأخر are poor.
► Some writers are greater than othersالآخرين .
•في حالة وجود أحد الكلمات الآتية the / some / every / each / many / any / no / (two, three,..) يستخدم بعدها other :
► Please, John, bring the other chairs here.
► I love my son like any other mother does.
► He gave me one book and kept the other one.
► Steven and three other boys went to the party.

Exercises on vocabulary and language notes:
Choose the correct answer:
1- This coat was half-price. It was a real (bargain – certain – complaint – fountain).
2- When you use a (money – debit – post –plastic) card, money leaves your bank immediately.
3- The money we carry in our pockets is called (rash – crash – cash – brush).
4- People who (surf – scarf – bark – drop) the internet usually look for information.
5- (Leaders - Owners – Kids – Adults) pay an admission chargeرسم دخول but children get in free.
6- When you use a (credit – benefit – deposit – exit)) card, you can buy things and pay later.
7- Things bought (decline – airline -online – offline) are things bought using the internet.
8- The postman brought new clothes (colleague – dialogue –catastrophe -catalogue) this morning. It has more than a 1000 pages and is very heavy.
9- If you have a (expand – broadband – beforehand – demand) connection, you can connect to the internet very quickly.
10- My uncle has had a bank (account – discount – amount – recount) since he was 18 and he has now saved a lot of money.
11- Companies have interesting websites to try (distract – attack – restrict – attract) customers.
12- Many people prefer the (emotional – multinational -traditional – professional) way of buying things from shops and markets.
13- Online (backing – barking – parking – banking) is now very common.
14- I can't send e-mails because there is a problem with my internet (connection – infection – correction – direction).
15- There has been a real (length – strength – growth – depth) in the number of people with broadband.
16- One day, I'd like to work for a (commodity -curiosity – density – charity) organisation.
17- (Interest – Interested – Interestingly – Interests), many people use the internet for different purposes.
18- Lots of people have (gained – complained – maintained – retained) about the noise.
19- When you buy a new computer, you usually get software included at no extra (cost – wages – salary – fare).
20- This is a (user-friendly /friendly user / use friendly – friendly use) printer. It's very simple for people to use.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- He was driving with one hand and waving with the another.
2- She was the last student arrives at school.
3- The government gives private care to setting up new projects.
4- I look forward to see that play.
5- She allowed me using her computer.
6- I need to draw some money out of my discount.
7- The government is trying to contract more tourists to visit Egypt.
8- Many people in Egypt still wear conditional clothes.
9- He couldn't decide which one he liked good.
10- The information in this report is based on a spray completed by 2000 students.


Revision of verb tenses
► راجع الأزمنة الموجودة بالوحدة الأولي
► ملاحظات هامة علي الأزمنة:
1- لاحظ عدم استخدام فعل be في الأزمنة المستمرة
► While she (be) in London, she visited many places. (Correct the verb)
► While she was in London, she visited many places.

► She (be) in Cairo at the moment. (Correct the verb)
► She is in Cairo at the moment.
2- في بعض الجمل نستدل علي الزمن من خلال معني الجملة:
• المعني في الجملتين التاليتين يدل علي المضارع المستمر
► Hurry up! We are all waiting for you.
► Be quiet. I am studying my lessons.
• المعني في الجملة التالية يدل علي الماضي المستمر:
► Between 9 and 11 p.m. yesterday, he was watching TV.
• المعني في الجملة التالية يدل علي الماضي البسيط:
► I spent all my childhood in Cairo.
3- لاحظ الفرق في المعني بين الأسئلة الآتية:

• What are you doing? للسؤال عما يفعله الشخص في لحظة الكلام
• I am reading a story. / I am studying my lessons.
•What do you do? I am an engineer. / I am a dentist. للسؤال عن الوظيفة
•How do you do? تحية تقال لشخص نقابله لأول مرة
•How do you do? / I'm pleased to meet you. ولاحظ أننا يمكن أن نستخدم نفس الصيغة في الرد
4- بعض العبارات المستخدمة في كتابة الخطاب لصديق تكون في المضارع المستمر:
►I'm writing this letter to tell you that …
►I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
5- الأفعال feel / hurt يمكن أن تستخدم في المضارع المستمر أو المضارع البسيط:
►How do you feel? / How are you feeling?
►My head hurts. / My head is hurting.

6- يستخدم الماضي البسيط بمعني يدل علي الحاضر أو المستقبل في حالات معينة مثل:

• في حالة وجود فاعل بعد I'd rather / It is time يستخدم الماضي البسيط
►I'd rather you didn't smoke here.
►It is time we went home. It is too late.
• ويستخدم الماضي البسيط بعد I wish في حالة التعبير عن التمني في الحاضر:
►I wish I had a computer. = I don't have a computer now.
• ويستخدم الماضي البسيط بعد If في الحالة الثانية للتعبير عن مستقبل:
►If he had enough money, he would travel abroad.
7- لاحظ الفرق في المعني بين الجمل الآتية:
►When I woke up, my father left. = He left at the moment I woke up.
►When I woke up, my father had left. = He left before I woke up.

►I saw my cousin again last year. I thought he was tall. (I thought he was tall at the time I saw him.
►I saw my cousin again last year. I had thought he was tall. (I thought he was tall before I saw him.)

Past Perfect

•يتكون الماضي التام من had + PP. ويستخدم ليدل علي حدث وقع قبل آخر في الماضي ويستخدم عادة مع الروابط الآتية:
After / When / As soon as / + ماضي تام ماضي بسيط
ماضي بسيط (غالبا منفي) till / until ماضي تام
•Before / By the time + ماضي بسيط ماضي تام
►After I had done the shopping, I visited a friend.
►As soon as I had known he was ill, I visited him.
►I didn't know about the competition until I had read the papers.
►Before he cleaned the room, he had seen the film.
►By the time my friend arrived, I had finished my homework.

Exercises on Tenses:
Choose the correct answer:
1- 1- John (paints – will paint -is painting – has painted) the garage at the moment.
2- She (is liking - likes – liking – to like) her new school. Everybody there is friendly.
3- We (are looking – have looked – had looked – looking) for new furniture for the living room at present.
4- They (have just received – are just receiving – haven't just received – just to receive) a reply from the oil company.
5- She (exercise - exercises – exercising – have exercised) three times a week.
6- I (was drawing - am drawing – am drawn – has drawn) a picture right now.
7- Water (is freezing – will freeze – was freezing – freezes) at 0º C.
8- While Stacey (goes – was going – went – has gone) shopping for fruit, she met an old friend.
9- Look at this camera I (was buying – buy – bought – have bought) for my sister yesterday.
10- Last night, while I (surf – was surfing – was being surfed – am surfing) the internet, I found the camera was much cheaper to buy online.
11- I (don't see – am seeing – haven't seen – has seen) him for two years.
12- I'm sure your sister will love the present you (have bought – buy – buying – may have bought) her.
13- At 7.15 yesterday I (will have – have had – am having – was having) dinner with my family.
14- It (is – was – had been – has been) so cold since yesterday.
15- I've just (been seen – being seen – saw – seen) my friend Peter. He is going shopping.
16- I (sent – have sent – had sent – will send) you an e-mail earlier this morning.
17- I (never be – have never been – am never – was never) to Acapulco before.
18- When my father (comes – has come – had come – came) home, I was finishing my homework.
19- In June, 2008, I (would visit – visited – had visited – was visited) my uncle in Canberra.
20- I (don't finish – have to finish – haven't finished – didn't finish) my project yet.
21- The fire (was not – didn't – weren't – couldn't) put out until the firemen arrived.
22- Before (boarded – had boarded - boarding – boards) the plane, security men checked the bags.
23- As soon as he (received – has received – receiving – receives) the fax, he telephoned us.
24- Nobody left the building until the meeting (had ended – has ended – ends – would end).
25- He (has – will have – has had - is having) a history lesson at the moment.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- What were you doing when I am calling you?
2- By the time my father was 18, he has been at work for two years.
3- My sister is really happy. She is just winning the first prize.
4- Alexandria was the last place I was spending a holiday.
5- In the past, people thought that the earth has been flat.
6- I will see a good film recently.
7- He would give me back my money a few hours ago.
8- At the moment he has cleaned the room.
9- I am understanding this math problem very well.
10- I didn't eat hamburger since last October.

Asking for information and giving information

Asking for informationطلب المعلومات Repliesالرد
Excuse me, could I ask you some questions about…? Yes, of course.
Could you tell me…? Yes, that's fine. Yes, certainly.
Can you say why / why not? I'd rather not answer that question.
Thank you for your time. You're welcome.

Test on Unit 3

A- Language Functions
1- Respond to the following situations:
1- You want to ask which subject your teacher liked best when he/she was at school.
2- Someone asks you a question that you do not want to answer.
3- You want to ask your friend the reason why he/she likes English best.
4- You would like to thank someone for answering your questions.
2- Say where these mini-dialogues take place and who the speakers are:
1. A. May I take your order, sir?
B. I’ll have a steak, please.

2- A: When did the accident happen?
B: Two hours ago.
A: What were you doing when you saw the accident?
B: I was going to visit a friend of mine.

B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d
1- (Because – While – If – Although) I was out shopping, I saw three of my friends from school.
2- Have you ever (meet – met – meeting – meets) a famous person?
3- While I (am walking – had walked – was walking – walk), I saw some children playing.
4- Mum was cooking dinner while Dad (was washing – washes – to wash – had washed) the car.
5- She always (is putting – had put - puts – was putting) a lot of pepper on her food. This is unhealthy.
6- She (gets – is getting – has got – got) her degree in 2008.
7- We (were – are being – are – have been) very busy right now.
8- By the time she reached the harbourالميناء , the ferryمعدية (had left – leaves – would leave – was left).
9- He (borne – was borne – was born – will bear) in England in 1888.
10- I paid the money into my (accounting – accountant – count – account) this morning.
11- It is easy to change foreign (currency – currents – curtains – courts) into Egyptian money.
12- UNICEF is an international (predictable – advisable -charitable –chargeable) organisation.
13- For more information about our product, you can visit our (website – web cam – web design – spider's web) at www.panasonic.com
14- Many people order goods online and have them (delayed – delighted – devoted – delivered) to their homes.
15- There are several advantages for companies that (tell – sell – still – drill) their things online.
16- He gave his account (retails – details – cocktail – blackmail) to a false company.

4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- She has been mopping يمسح the floor when she heard the bad news on the radio.
2- She slipped on a banana skin and breaks her leg.
3- I don't speak to him since Christmas.
4- I don't have any cash on me, so could I pay by click?
5- Internet connection via broadcast offers many advantages
6- My sister wants to open a bank deposit.

C-Reading Comprehension
5- Read the following passage then answer the questions:
During a recent car trip, I pulled into a rest area and was approached by a dirty man who asked for money. I rejected his appeal rationalizing that to give money to beggars would be to encourage a practice already on a disturbing rise in our country.
Later I had a change of heart, I handed the man ten pounds and wished him well, but I couldn’t bring myself to grasp the outstretched hand he offered in appreciation. People begin and end almost every interaction with handshakes. Handshaking has become a thing of the past and increasingly dangerous, too. Risks associated with handshaking have become more threatening than the mere passing of germs from one person to another. For example, common colds are possible to pass from a person to another through handshaking. We might adopt an alternative to handshaking. The “namaste” is used as a display of respect when greeting someone. Similarly, the military salute would permit us to greet each other without touching. As a possible compromise between the “namaste” and the salute, we might consider the familiar Japanese bow.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. Why does the writer think that handshaking is a bad habit?
2. What is the advantage of a military salute?
3. Are you with or against handshaking? Why?

B. Choose the correct answer:
4- According to the writer, we……..…get cold viruses by handshaking.
a) can b) can never c) couldn’t d) never
5- There are ………..alternatives to handshaking.
a) no b) two c) three d) four
6- Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
On leaving, Mrs. Magda gave last minute instructions to the new baby-sitter, a young girl of seventeen whose main work was to look after the baby. The girl had never done this work before and Mrs. Magda was a little bit anxious. “Make yourself comfortable, Soha.” Mrs. Magda said. If the boy wakes up, go to his room and stay with him there until he goes back to sleep. Anyway, he is two years old, so you wouldn’t have any trouble. My husband and I will be back at about five o’clock.”

Mr. Kamal and his wife Magda returned rather later than they had expected. They heard the sound of TV. A light was still on in the living room. Their little baby was crying loudly. His face was covered with tears. Mrs. Magda went to the living room immediately and came out holding the baby who was very hungry.

“What is she doing there? Where is Soha? She is fast asleep. She has eaten all the food here!”.

A. Answer the following questions:
1. Why was Mrs. Magda worried about the baby-sitter?
2. What did Mr. and Mrs. Kamal find when they returned home?
3. Was Soha a good baby-sitter or a bad one? Why?

B. Choose the correct answer:
4. Although Mrs. Magda gave strict instructions to the baby-sitter, she…..
a) forgot them b) carried them out
c) neglected them d) followed them
5. Mrs. Magda came home…..
a) before five b) after five c)at five d)at half past four

D- Writing
8- Write a paragraph of about 100 words on the following subject:
"How we should use money"
- The importance of money
- Money and happiness
- How money can be used badly

9- A)Translate into Arabic:
Louis Pasteur, the French scientist, has done really great services to humanity. He managed to discover how people could catch diseases. He also devised ways of preventing diseases from passing from one person to another.

B) Translate into English:
1- يجب أن تتعاون كل دول العالم لحل الأزمة المالية.
2- التسوق عبر الانترنت أصبح شائعا هذه الأيام.
علاء أشرف
علاء أشرف
عضو فعال
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 146
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/12/2009
العمر : 30

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الوحدة(3)للصف الثانى الثانوى Empty رد: الوحدة(3)للصف الثانى الثانوى

مُساهمة  السويفى الأربعاء ديسمبر 02, 2009 1:59 am

الوحدة(3)للصف الثانى الثانوى 94405532du5h

أرجو من السادة مدرسى اللغة الانجليزيةالدخول للأطلاع و التعليق و التصويب إن لزم االأمر
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 283
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/08/2009
الموقع : elsoifey1.tk

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

- مواضيع مماثلة

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لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى