مدرسة القطاع الشمالى الثانوية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الوحدة(16)للصف الثانى الثانوى

2 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل

الوحدة(16)للصف الثانى الثانوى Empty الوحدة(16)للصف الثانى الثانوى

مُساهمة  علاء أشرف الثلاثاء ديسمبر 01, 2009 3:42 pm


Key Vocab:

accommodation إقامة culture ثقافة
pretend يتظاهر reputation سمعة
staff مجموعة العاملين (في شركة/ مدرسة مثلا) customer عميل
value for money شيء يستحق ما يُدفع فيه من مال take it easy يسترخي / يتمهل
coast ساحل a fixed price سعر ثابت
mass tourism السياحة الجماعية destination جهة الوصول
package tour رحلة متكاملة (تنظمها شركة وشاملة الإقامة والتنقلات wear away يتآكل ويرق من كثرة الاستخدام
currency عملة holidaymakers السياح


tourist sites أماكن سياحية valley of the kings وادي الملوك
valley of the queens وادي الملكات travel agent وكيل سفريات
travel agency وكالة سفر tourism السياحة
relaxing مريح manager مدير
ancient history التاريخ القديم express feelings يعبر عن المشاعر
a school uniform زى مدرسي demolish يهدم
local people السكان المحليون crowded مزدحم
golf course ملعب جولف traffic congestion تكدس المرور
Greek times العصور الإغريقية travel company شركة سياحية
air travel السفر جوا huge business عمل تجاري ضخم
cathedral كاتدرائية a stone floor أرضية من الحجر
tourist season موسم سياحي block the way يسد الطريق
earner مورد / مصدر (للدخل) tourist industry صناعة السياحة
employ يوظف / يُشغل hotel staff العاملين بالفندق
building workers عمال البناء resort مكان لقضاء الأجازة
five star hotels فنادق خمسة نجوم welcome يرحب / ترحيب
Greece اليونان cook طاهي
waiter نادل (جرسون) waitress نادلة
cause damage يسبب أضرارا ecotourism السياحة البيئية
ecotourist سائح يراعي البيئة Nepalese family أسرة من نيبال
cooking الطهي horse-riding ركوب الخيل
tourist destination المكان الذي يقصده السياح air-conditioned bus أتوبيس مكيف الهواء
excess luggage زيادة في وزن الحقائب Morocco المغرب
book=reserve يحجز air-hostess مضيفة جوية
window seat مقعد بجوار النافذة aisle seat مقعد بجوار الممر
extend stay يمد الإقامة aliens' department إدارة الأجانب (وتختص بمد الإقامة)
astronauts رواد فضاء mathematics الرياضيات
indispensable لا يمكن الاستغناء عنه vacancy وظيفة خالية / غرفة خالية
necessitate يُحتم / يستلزم splendid رائع
maintain يحافظ علي nuisance إزعاج / مضايقة
disrupt يعطل consequences نتائج
overcrowding الازدحام الشديد promote يدعم/يروج/يشجع/ينهض بـ

Words and their antonyms:

take off تقلع (الطائرة) land تهبط
costly غالي الثمن cheap رخيص
check in تسجيل البيانات عند الوصول للفندق أو المطار check out مغادرة الفندق بعد دفع الفاتورة
obviously من الواضح perhaps ربما
object to يعترض علي accept يقبل
negligent مهمل careful حريص
nearby قريب faraway بعيد
tidy منظم untidy غير منظم
essential أساسي / ضروري inessential غير ضروري
conceited مغرور modest متواضع
chase يطارد run away from يهرب من


at particular times في أوقات معينة knock down = pull down يهدم
cut down يقطع / يقلل make money out of يجني مالا من
compared to بالمقارنة بـ bring in يجلب
in a friendly way بطريقة ودية stay at / in a hotel يقيم في فندق
benefit from يستفيد من at its best في أفضل صورة
travel by public transport يسافر بالمواصلات العامة take a trip to يقوم برحلة الي
on the Red Sea coast علي ساحل البحر الأحمر fill in a form يملأ استمارة

Irregular Verbs:

thrust/thrust/thrust يدفع wear/wore/worn يرتدي
understood يفهم wet/wet/wet
wet/wetted/wetted يبلل/ يبتل
upset/upset/upset يزعج/يضايق wind/wound/wound يلف
weep/wept/wept يبكي withhold/withheld/withheld يمتنع عن إعطاء شيء
win/won/won يفوز بـ withdraw/withdrew/ withdrawn يسحب / ينسحب


Verb Noun Adjective
accommodate يوفر الإقامة accommodation إقامة
culture الثقافة cultural ثقافي
pretend يتظاهر pretence تظاهر
mass عدد أو كمية كبيرة من massive هائل / ضخم

Important Vocabulary for translation and composition:

conference tourism سياحة المؤتمرات labour camps معسكرات عمل
curative tourism السياحة العلاجية conducted tour جولة منظمة(بصحبة مرشد)
tour leader قائد الرحلة tourist revenue الدخل من السياحة
influx of tourists تدفق السياح tourist-related business أنشطة تجارية مرتبطة بالسياحة
summer resort مصيف winter resort مشتي
panorama منظر عام pre-historic times عصور ما قبل التاريخ
architecture فن العمارة manuscripts مخطوطات
inscriptions نقوش the seven wonders of the world عجائب الدنيا السبع

Language Notes

• Souvenir هدية تذكارية / memory ذكري / ذاكرة memorial نُصُب تذكاري

•whether .. or not إذا ..... أو لا
● You can choose whether to do this job or not.

•plan خطة/ plane طائرة / plain واضح / plains سهول

• try يحاول / يجرب
● He tried to catch the thief, but he couldn't/
● You should try this salad. It's delicious.
• try on يقيس
● You can try on this shirt in the fitting room.

• Have you got anything to declare? هل لديك ما تعلن عنه؟ (في الجمارك)

• wear away يتآكل ويصبح أقل سمكا نتيجة لكثرة الاستخدام
● The inscription نقوش on the coin عملة معدنية wore away.
• wear down يُضعف / يتغلب بالتدريج علي
● She was worn down by overwork.
• wear off يختفي أثره أو يزول بالتدريج
● The pain in my knee is slowly wearing off.
• wear on يمر ببطء (للوقت)
● As the week wore on, she discovered that she didn't do anything useful.
• wear out يبلي ولا يصلح للاستخدام
● My boots wore out. I need to buy a new pair.
• recommend + V-ing / n.
● I recommend sending him an e-mail.
• recommend someone to + inf.
● They recommended me to consult a lawyer.

• Encourage + V-ing / n.
● We should encourage reading as it is very useful.
• encourage + to-inf.
● We should encourage children to read.
•يمكن استخدام to+inf. بعد الكلمات :how / what / where
● I haven't decided where to go for my holiday.
● I don't know what to do with my old computer.
● I'd like to know how to operate this machine.
•عند كتابة خطاب رسمي أو رسالة الكترونية إلي جهة رسمية أو شركة مثلا قان اللغة التي نستخدمها تختلف :
Informal formal
Hi Dear
I got your name from a friend I was given your name by a friend
I'm looking for I am searching for
I want to I would like to
Send me.. Please could you send me..?
As quickly as possible Promptly
I can't wait to hear from you. I look forward to hearing from you
Bye, Ali Ahmed Yours faithfully, Ali Ahmed

Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
Choose the correct answer:
1- When we went on holiday last year, we arranged our own (accommodation – accusation – activation – accumulation) in a small hotel.
2- I really like to take it (lazy – easy – hard – relax) at the weekends, as I work hard in the week.
3- Our school has a (stuff – staff – stiff – chief) of 40 people. Most of them are teachers.
4- Our family dentist has a very good (radiation – reclamation – reputation – recreation). Everyone says how good he is.
5- I enjoyed that meal and it didn't cost much. It was really good (restaurant – value – argue – avenue) for money.
6- My brother and I used to play a game where we (pretended – extended – expanded – blended) to be astronauts.
7- When I go somewhere on holiday, I like to find out about the (capture – creature – departure – culture) of the people who live there.
8- A (cost – cast – coast – crust) is an area of land next to the sea.
9-Luxor is a popular Egyptian (deviation – vacation – deterioration - destination) for many visitors to Egypt.
10-In Europe (mass – pass – loss - class) tourism began in the 1960s, when air travel became cheaper.
11-Sharm El-Sheikh is on the Red Sea (beach – coast – border - boast).
12-(Terrorism – Capitalism – Tourism - organism) is important because it brings money into countries.
13-The cost of a flight from Europe to Egypt is (fixed – faxed – mixed - taxed). It will not change until next year.
14-If children play football for too long, they will (tear - wear – bear – clear) away the grass.
15-The (deficiency – efficacy - currency – occurrence) of Britain is the pound.
16-In the second half, we (wore down – wore out – wore away – wore on) the other team and won the match 3-2.
17-These shoes are going to (wear off – wear on - wear out - wear) soon. I'll have to buy some more.
18-It was hard work and as the day (wore away – wore out – wore off - wore on), I became more and more tired.
19-If you take this medicine now, it won't (wear off – wear down – wore on – wore away) until tomorrow.
20-This company arranges (pack – packet – package - pocket) tours at good prices.
21- (Collect – Mass- Gather - Miss) tourism is very important to many countries.
22-Millions of (dressmakers – peacemakers – troublemakers - holidaymakers) are carried by air to destinations all over the world.
23-Countries on the Mediterranean (coast – bank – water - limits) attract millions of tourists.
24-The feet of tourists usually wear (down – on – off - away) the stone floors of many historic places.
25-Tourists can (bankrupt – disrupt- erupt - interpret) the life of local people and change the feeling of the location.
26-Tourism can cause damage to historical (minutes – departments – monuments - moments).
27-We should (discourage – encourage – coverage - enrage) tourists from polluting the environment.
28-Tourism helps to (remote – promote – provoke - prevent) the cultures of different countries.
29-Aeroplanes became cheaper, so the number of (fights – lights – weights - flights) increased.
30- I want to be a doctor when I'm older, so it's (annual – initial – material – essential) that I go to a good university.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- We should protect our historic and famous moments.
2- A wreckage tour is a holiday arranged by a company for a fixed price.
3- A distillation is the place you are going to.
4- The current of Egypt is the pound.
5- Most hotels in Egypt have a good repetition.


Must / have to / need to
•Must = it is necessary to ..

• تستخدم Must للتعبير عن ضرورة عمل شيء من وجهة نظر المتكلم وتستخدم في حالات مثل تقديم نصيحة قوية لشخص أو دعوة أو نذكر أنفسنا بضرورة عمل شيء:
• You must come and see us at the weekend. (a warm invitation)
• You must wash your hands before you eat. (strong advice)
• We must buy souvenirs for our friends. (strong reminder)

•لاحظ استخدام Must للتعبير عن الضرورة في المضارع والمستقبل فقط :
• I must go now. • I must see my doctor tomorrow.

•تستخدم Mustn't Must not / للتعبير عن أن شيء ممنوع أو غير مسموح به أو تترتب عليه نتيجة سيئة إذا قمنا به:

•Mustn't = (be) not allowed = (be) not permitted to = (be) banned from =
(be) prohibited from = (be) forbidden to
• You mustn't smoke in hospitals.
=You aren't allowed to smoke in hospitals.
=You aren't permitted to smoke in hospitals.
= you are forbidden to smoke in hospitals.
=You are banned from smoking in hospitals.
=You are prohibited from smoking in hospitals.

•ويمكن أن تبدأ الجمل بالشيء الغير مسموح به:
• Smoking is not allowed in hospitals.
• Parking is forbidden here.

•تستخدم have to / have got to / Need to للتعبير عن إلزام مفروض علينا وليس أمامنا اختيار :

•Have to / Have got to / Need to = It is necessary to..

• I can't go out. I have to work.
• My children have to go to school next year.
• He has got to sign all the papers.
• I need to take some medicine.

•في حالة التعبير عن الضرورة في المستقبل نستخدم must / have to / will have to:
• I have to get up early tomorrow.
• I'll have to send the fax tomorrow.

•للتعبير عن الضرورة في الماضي نستخدم had to:
•Had to = It was necessary to ..

• We had to take a taxi as it was raining heavily.

•يمكن استخدام have to في الأزمنة المختلفة (ما عدا الأزمنة المستمرة):
• I had to work six days a week. = It was necessary for me to work six days a week.
• My flight is at six in the morning. I'll have to get up early.
• Have you ever had to go to hospital?

•في حالة التعبير عن عدم الضرورة في المضارع يمكن استخدام ما يلي:

•Don't have to / don't need to / needn't = It isn't necessary to…

• When you are on holiday, you don't need to go to bed early.
• She doesn't have to work on Saturday.

•للتعبير عن عدم الضرورة في المستقبل نستخدم :

•Won't have to = won't need to = It won't be necessary to …

• I won't have to clean the room tomorrow. Mother will do it.

•للتعبير عن عدم الضرورة في الماضي نستخدم:

•Didn't have to = didn't need to = It wasn't necessary to:

• I didn't have to do the shopping yesterday. My brother did it.

•استخدام didn't have to + inf. يدل علي حدث لم يتم في الماضي لكونه غير ضروري:
• I didn't have to go to school yesterday. It was a holiday.

•استخدام needn't have + PP. يدل علي حدث تم في الماضي على الرغم من كونه غير ضروري:
• You needn't have brought your umbrella. It's not going to rain.

•لاحظ الفرق بين استخدام need to كفعل ناقص واستخدام need كفعل عادي بمعني يحتاج أو يتطلب:
• This job needs computer skills.
• I need to finish the job early. = I must finish it early.
•تستخدم Must في السؤال بدون فعل مساعد وتأتي في بداية السؤال:
• Must he send the e-mail now?
•في حالة استخدام have to / need to في السؤال نستخدم معهما فعل مساعد :do/does/did
• Do you have to do the job now?
• Does she need to go now?
• Did she have to borrow that money?
•تستخدم have got to في السؤال بدون فعل مساعد:
• Have you got to be at the office every day?
• Has that man got to carry all the boxes by himself?

•تستخدم should/ought to / had better عادة للتعبير عن النصيحة:

• should = ought to = had better = If I were you, I'd… = It’s a good idea to…. = It’s advisable to….= It’s desirable to…+ inf.

• You should make a study plan to organize your work.
= It is a good idea to make a study plan to organize ……..
• It is advisable to eat fresh food. = You ought to eat fresh food.
• You shouldn't leave your job. = If I were you, I wouldn't leave my job.

•تستخدم should have + PP. للتعبير عن أن شيء كان يجب أن يحدث في الماضي ولم يتم ونستخدمه عادة عندما نوجه اللوم لشخص لعدم قيامه بعمل معين:
• You should have done your homework yesterday.
• You shouldn't have parked your car here. It's a 'No Parking' area.

Choose the correct answer:
1- I (mustn't - have to – should have – needn't) be at work at 8 a.m. or my boss will be furious.
2- You (should – have to – need to – needn't) buy a pen. I can lend you one.
3- You (mustn't – don't have to – need to – needn't) speak so loudly. We are in the library.
4- I (don't have t – shouldn't – needn't have – must) hurry. My train leaves in 5 minutes.
5- My son (has to – needn't – needn't have – need) study mathematics at school next year so that he can join the faculty of engineering.
6- You (have – have to – need to – don't need to) do all this hard work alone. I can help you.
7- Tomorrow is a national holiday. I (will have to – need to – won't have to – should) get up early.
8- We (have to – mustn't – won't have to – should have) forget that tourism is very important for Egypt.
9- She's on holiday. She (doesn't have to – needs to – shouldn't have – needn't have) go to bed or get up at particular times.
10- I (shouldn't – have to – must – need) get up early on school days.
11- I (have to – must – need – should have) phone my friend this evening. I promised him I would.
12- In some countries, children (don't have – don't need – don't need to – mustn't) wear school uniform.
13- People (mustn't – don't have to – should – need to) drive too fast in the city center.
14- We ( should – need to – mustn't – don't have to) give our homework to the teacher until next week.
15- These old buildings (need – must – have to be – needn't) knocked down.
16- We (don't need to – need to – have to – should) cut the tree down – it can be part of the hotel garden.
17- I (don't have – needn't have – didn't have to – should) cut the grass myself yesterday. The gardener did it.
18- You (had to write – didn't have to write – needn't have written – should have written) such a long essay. The teacher asked for 300 words and you have written 700.
19- You (should add – didn't have to add – needn't have added – needn't add) any more salt to the food. Now we can't eat it.
20- You (didn't have to – mustn't – must – don't need to) study hard when you come to our school. The lessons are very easy.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- You have to take any more pills. You are quite well now.
2- You must drink this liquid. It's poisonous.
3- You need to bring any food with you tomorrow. I'll have enough for us all.
4- You have to clean the kitchen today. I'll do it in a few hours.
5- We didn't have waited long. A bus came at once.
6- I needn't pay the telephone bill last year. My brother was here then and he paid it.
7- I got to finish this work at 7 p.m.
8- I'll needn't to go in a few minutes. I don't want to miss my plane.
9- Should you have to clean the house yourself? – No, someone did it for me.
10- Does she got to send the e-mail today?

Communication Skills

• I'd prefer to (go to..), but I'm happy to (go to..) instead.
أفضل أن ...... ولكنى سعيد أن ...... بدلا من ذلك.
• I'd like to go to …., but it's probably better to go to …
أريد أن اذهب إلى ....... ولكن من المحتمل أته سيكون من الأفضل أن اذهب إلى .......
• Do we all agree? So we're going to …
هل نتفق جميعا؟ إذا نحن سوف ......
• That's good – we all agree.
حسنا. نحن نتفق جميعا.

Test on Unit 16

A- Language Functions
1- Respond to the following situations:
1- You have just agreed to see a film at the cinema with two friends. You are quite happy, but you did not choose the film. What do you say?
2- You and three friends have just decided which film to see at the cinema. You are happy that the decision has been made. What do you say?
3- You chose a holiday to Spain, but your friends all chose Italy, which was cheaper. You think their idea is probably better. What do you say?
4- Your train leaves in five minutes. It takes at least 4 minutes to get to the station. What do you say to your friend?
2- Say where these mini-dialogues are taking place and who the speakers are:

1-A: Welcome to this famous Egyptian site.
It was built by Salah El Din Al Ayyoubi.
B: When was it built?
A: It was built in 1176. It was built to protect Cairo from enemies.
B: It’s amazing!

2-A: Helwan, please.
B: Certainly, sir. But it will take a long time
because the roads are crowded.
A: Yes, I understand.
B: (after an hour) Here we are, sir. That will be twenty pounds.
A: Thank you. Here you are.
B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer:
1. (Culture – Architecture – Agriculture – Manufacture) means the beliefs, behaviour, art and ideas of a society.
2. Water is (residential – partial – confidential -essential) for living things.
3. To (intend – blend – pretend – exist) is to behave as if something is true when it is not.
4. She has the (connection - reputation – population – reservation) of being a good doctor.
5. (Staff – Careers – Professions – Stuff) means the group of people who work for an organisation.
6. When something is good value for (money – coins – currency – banknotes), it is high quality considering the price.
7. Try to avoid working too hard. You should really take it (light – heavy – easy – difficult).
8. A (coin – currency – banknote – cash) is the type of money that a country uses.
9. When you arrive in another country, you (have to – don't need to – mustn't – haven't) show your passport.
10. You (mustn't - should – have to – don't need to) spend too much money. You won't have any left for your holiday.
11. I have been tired all week. I (needn't – have got – don't have to – must) get more sleep.
12. You (must – don't have to – mustn't – need to) take that book back to the library yet. You can keep it for another week.
13. You (have to – should – don't need to – must) take an umbrella if you are going to Egypt. It doesn't often rain there.
14. My friend sent me an e-mail this morning. I (don't have to – mustn't – don't need to – need to) reply soon or he'll start to worry.
15. I want to go to university. I (need to – mustn't – shouldn't – don't need) apply before the deadline.
16. You (mustn't – don't have to – must – can't) see a doctor. You look very ill.

4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- You can stay at home if you want. You mustn't come with us.
2- You have to buy that book. I can lend you mine.
3- You don't need to take that medicine. You will get worse if you don't.
4- All the prices here are flexible. They cannot be changed.
5- We arrived at our desperation tired and hungry.
6- We should encourage terrorism as it brings a lot of hard currency into our country.
C- Reading Comprehension
5- Read the passage then answer the questions:
It is most necessary for everyone to cut down on his food expenses. Since the early 1970s the cost of the food has gone up faster than the cost of all commodities and services. The increase has mounted to more than 300%.

For all Egyptian families, food is the biggest item in their monthly household. In fact, it swallows more than half the budget of millions of low-income families Is it the fate of those families to face starvation?

You can reduce your food expenses by observing the following pieces of advice. Write a list of your needs. Don’t buy any items which are not included on the list. Choose the cheapest and healthiest kinds of food. You can buy fresh vegetables instead of frozen ones because they are cheaper and healthier. Chickens are cheaper than red meat. You can have cheese, beans and eggs instead of meat.

One last bit of advice, “Don’t go shopping on an empty stomach”. Shopping when you are hungry tempt you to buy things you don’t really need.
A. Answer the following questions:
1. How have prices increased since the 1970s?
2. How can you avoid buying unnecessary food?
3. Find words in the passage which mean:
a. reduce b. suffering or death from lack of food.

B. Choose the correct answer:
5-The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to -------------
a) the budget b) food c) commodities d) services
6-As food is the biggest item in the Egyptian family budget, people should ----
a) buy all the food they like b) not buy any frozen food
c) buy only healthy and cheap food d) eat only when they are hungry

6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
One year an agricultural expert visited a poor village in India. to improve agriculture and food production in the village. The village relied for food on the two crops of rice and the vegetables it grew each year. The villagers worked very hard but their crops were sometimes poor and insufficient because of the weather.

The expert told the head of the village that he could give the villagers a new type of rice which would produce double the quantity. The head of the village agreed to try it out. The villagers planted the new rice and when they harvested it, it produced double the quantity.

When the expert returned after the first crop, he was pleased to see the villagers very happy. The expert returned later to see if the second crop had been equally good. This time he found the fields empty because the villagers had enough rice after the first crop.” The expert realized it was useless to talk to them any more.
A. Answer the following questions:
1- Why did the agricultural expert go to the Indian village?
2- Why was it difficult for the villagers to find enough rice?
3- Find words in the passage which mean: a) kind b) depend on
B. Choose the correct answer:
4- The underlined word “it” refers to (rice – the year – the village – the food).
5-At the end of the story……….
a) the expert had learnt a lesson b)the villagers were unhappy
c) the expert had been successful d)the villagers wanted new vegetable seeds as well
D- Writing
8- Write a paragraph of seven sentences about:
How can Egypt attract more tourists?

9- A)Translate into Arabic:
Ecotourism is different from other kinds of tourism. It tries to respect the local environment. It doesn't cause any damage to the local community or wildlife.

B) Translate into English:
1- تلعب وسائل الإعلام دورا هاما في توعية الناس بمخاطر التلوث.
2- السياحة هي ثاني أهم مورد للعملة الأجنبية لمصر بعد البترول.
علاء أشرف
علاء أشرف
عضو فعال
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 146
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/12/2009
العمر : 30

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الوحدة(16)للصف الثانى الثانوى Empty رد: الوحدة(16)للصف الثانى الثانوى

مُساهمة  السويفى الأربعاء ديسمبر 02, 2009 2:23 am

الوحدة(16)للصف الثانى الثانوى Thanxxneww

أرجــــــــو من السـادة مدرســي اللغـة الانجليزية الدخـول للأطـلاع و التعـــــليق و التصـويب إن لـــزم االأمـــر
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 283
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/08/2009
الموقع : elsoifey1.tk

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

- مواضيع مماثلة

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