مدرسة القطاع الشمالى الثانوية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الوحدة(9)للصف الثانى الثانوى

2 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل

الوحدة(9)للصف الثانى الثانوى Empty الوحدة(9)للصف الثانى الثانوى

مُساهمة  علاء أشرف الثلاثاء ديسمبر 01, 2009 3:49 pm


Key Vocab:

bronze medal ميدالية برونزية exercise تمرين رياضي / يتمرن
judo الجودو take part in يشترك في
benefit يستفيد / يفيد / فائدة boxing الملاكمة
career مهنة professional محترف
take place يحدث festival مهرجان
highlight ذروة / الجزء الأفضل من شيء destroy يدمر
amateur هاوي regularly بانتظام
take care of يعتني بـ take turns يأخذ دوره في عمل شيء
take off تقلع (الطائرة) / يخلع (الملابس)


sportswoman سيدة رياضية sportsman شخص رياضي
the Olympics = the Olympic games الألعاب الأولمبية theme فكرة أو الموضوع الرئيسي لكتاب أو فيلم مثلا
achievements انجازات opponent خصم
rival = competitor منافس a sports festival مهرجان رياضي
international مسابقة دولية/لاعب دولي implement = carry out ينفذ
unfortunately = unluckily للأسف / لسوء الحظ drop يُسقط
other than غير / ما عدا gymnastic رياضي أو متعلق بالجمباز
equal opportunities فرص متكافئة endure يتحمل
endurance التحمل anchor يُثَبت
host يستضيف / مضيف a long distance runner عداء مسافات طويلة
publicize يقوم با لدعاية لـ publicity دعاية / شهرة / شعبية
workout (n) تمرين يؤديه اللاعب قبيل المسابقة skim the surface of water ينزلق علي سطح الماء
chessboard لوحة الشطرنج excel يتفوق
appreciate يُقدر athletes رياضيون
religious ديني race سباق
conquer يتغلب علي / يغزو BC قبل الميلاد
include يشمل stadium الإستاد
archaeologist عالم آثار heavenly religion الأديان السماوية
individual فرد / فردي discovery اكتشاف
break a record يحطم رقم قياسي ordinary people الناس العاديون
try a new sport يجرب رياضة جديدة fitness اللياقة
qualities صفات chess الشطرنج
water skiing التزلج علي الماء netball لعبة كرة الشبكة
novel رواية play اللعب / يلعب
poem قصيدة celebrate يحتفل
gloves قفاز a choice اختيار
cycling ركوب الدراجات accommodation الإقامة
water sports العاب مائية local transport مواصلات محلية
entertainment الترفيه security امن
target هدف alternative بديل
hobbies هوايات interests اهتمامات / ميول
creation خلق / تكوين comparison مقارنة
involve يتضمن shake/shook/shaken يهز / يرج
throw / threw / thrown يرمي foundations أساسات
sports clothes ملابس رياضية sports facilities تسهيلات رياضية
attend يحضر TV coverage تغطية تليفزيونية
hero بطل heroine بطلة
collaboration تعاون make sacrifices يقدم تضحيات
self-motivation حافز أو دافع ذاتي self-control ضبط النفس
focus بؤرة / يركز / موضع اهتمام concentration تركير
relevant ملائم / متعلق بالموضوع characteristics خواص / صفات
the Football World Cup كأس العالم لكرة القدم the Olympic sign الرمز الاولمبي
circles دوائر the Pan Arab Games دورة الألعاب العربية
electrical goods سلع كهربائية rely on = depend on يعتمد علي
growing economy اقتصاد متنامي caravan قافلة
wheat القمح global trade التجارة العالمية
silk الحرير industry الصناعة
a warm welcome ترحيب حار route طريق
globalization العولمة travel by air يسافر جوا
travel by sea يسافر بحرا contact by e-mail يتصل عن طريق البريد الالكتروني
hunt for food يصطاد من أجل الحصول علي الغذاء travel on camels يسافر بالجمال
spices التوابل motorized transport النقل بالعربات
identity هوية contradiction تناقض
nowadays في الوقت الحاضر exist يوجد
impact = effect تأثير commerce التجارة
have an equal chance لديه فرصة متكافئة radical change تغيير جذري
continual مستمر attention اهتمام
a professional coach مدرب محترف talent موهبة
require = need يتطلب / يحتاج imported goods سلع مستوردة
muscles عضلات individuality الفردية
pollute يلوث pollution التلوث
reputation سمعة misunderstanding سوء فهم
confusion ارتباك get started يبدأ
linesman مساعد الحكم image صورة
scenery مناظر طبيعية lungs الرئتين
champion بطل championship بطولة
referee حكم

Words and their antonyms:

honesty أمانة dishonesty عدم الأمانة
ancient قديم modern حديث
fair عادل unfair غير عادل
particularly وخصوصا generally بصفة عامة
do well يُحسن الأداء do badly يؤدي بشكل سيء
at first أولا at last أخيرا
light مضيء dark مظلم
physical بدني mental ذهني /عقلي
win يفوز lose يخسر
true حقيقي / صحيح false زائف/غير حقيقي/خطأ
present حاضر absent غائب
healthy صحي unhealthy غير صحي
late متأخر early مبكر
pass ينجح fail يرسب
suitable مناسب unsuitable غير مناسب
approve of يوافق علي disapprove of لا يوافق علي
organized منظم disorganized غير منظم
horizontal أفقي vertical رأسي
permanent دائم temporary مؤقت
precise دقيق imprecise غير دقيق
accurate دقيق inaccurate غير دقيق


on a small scale علي نطاق محدود on a large scale علي نطاق واسع
work at his computer يعمل علي الكمبيوتر be based in يكون مقرها في
exchange .. for .. يبادل شيء بآخر exchange ..with .. يبادل شيء مع شخص
be exposed to يكون معرض لـ be willing to راغب في
look up يبحث عن معلومة switch off = turn off يغلق (جهاز مثلا)
turn on = switch on يشغل (جهاز مثلا) tend to يميل الي
win a medal for judo يفوز بميدالية في prepare to + inf. يستعد لـ
prepare for + n. يستعد من أجل have access to يمكنه استخدام (الانترنت مثلا)
interested in مهتم بـ at that time في ذلك الوقت
in ancient times في العصور القديمة harmful to ضار لـ
throw someone onto the ground يطرح شخصا علي الأرض with the help of بمساعدة
at the side of the road علي جانب الطريق play for a team يلعب لفريق
pay for يدفع ثمن .. suitable for مناسب لـ
have contact with لديه اتصال بـ sail through the Suez Canal يبحر عبر قناة السويس
at a reasonable price بسعر معقول أو رخيص be based on معتمد علي
aspire to يتطلع إلى participate in يشارك فى

Irregular Verbs:

get/got/got يحصل علي hang/hanged/hanged يشنق
give/gave/given يعطي have/had/had يمتلك ..
go/went/gone يذهب hear/heard/heard يسمع
grind/ground/ground يطحن hide/hid/hidden يختبئ
hang/hung/hung يعلق hit/hit/hit يضرب


Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
compete يتنافس competition منافسة
competitor متسابق competitive تنافسي competitively
بشكل تنافسي
cooperate يتعاون Cooperation التعاون cooperative تعاوني cooperatively بشكل تعاوني
collaborate يتعاون collaboration التعاون Collaborative تعاوني collaboratively
benefitيفيد / يستفيد benefit فائدة beneficial مفيد

Important Vocabulary for translation and composition:

solar energy الطاقة الشمسية elderly people كبار السن
encourage يشجع cost of living تكلفة المعيشة
mass destruction weapons أسلحة الدمــار الشـامل ًًًWorld Health Organization منظمة الصحة العالمية
the United Nations الأمم المتحدة a mega project مشروع عملاق
revolution ثـورة civilians المدنيين
passer-by أحد المارة priority أولوية
pedestrians المشـاة prevent يمنع

Language Notes:

•sense verbs: (smell / taste / feel / sound / look) + Adj. تستخدم صفة بعد أفعال الحواس:

► That flower smells beautiful.
► That cloth feels soft.
► The meat tasted nice.
يمكن استخدام أفعال الحواس كأسماء و فى هذه الحالة يستخدم معها الفعل have:
► That flower has a beautiful smell.
► That cloth has a soft feel.
► The meat had a nice taste.
وتستخدم صفة أيضا بعد الأفعال الآتية:
Be – seem – appear

►She's clever. She seems ill.
لاحظ استخدام I'm afraid بمعني I'm sorry to say..:
►I'm afraid I'm so busy. = I'm sorry to say that I'm so busy.

بعد الأفعال hear / watch / see نستخدم إما المصدر inf. أو فعل مضاف له ing:
►I saw him playing tennis.
►I saw him play tennis.
 لاحظ أن كلمة each يأتي بعدها مفرد أما every فيأتي بعدها مفرد أو عدد 2/ 3 / 4 :
 every student / every 4 years
 each one / each book

 لايستخدم حرف جر قبل كلمة : everywhere
►I looked for my book everywhere, but I couldn't find it.

Together with = includingوهذا يشمل
►Longer races were added to the Olympics, together with boxing.

• تستخدم play غالبا مع الألعاب التي تستخدم فيها الكرة:
 Play )football, basketball, hockey, soccer, tennis, squash اسكواش, table-tennis, rackets, ping-pong, volleyball)
•تستخدم go غالبا مع الرياضات التي تنتهي بـ ing :
Go (swimming, jogging جرى بطئ= slow running, sailing يبحر, dancing يرقص
water-skiing يتزحلق على الماء, running, scuba-diving, riding, hunting يصطاد,
climbing يتسلق )
•لاحظ أنه إذا كانت الرياضة المنتهية بـ ing يسبقها some أو a lot of نستخدم : do
►I did some scuba diving last week.
• تستخدم do مع الرياضات الأخرى:
Do (gymnastics / karate / athletics / sports)
• وتستخدم do/play مع كلمة sport :
►Do you do any sports? Yes, I play hockey.
• يمكن استخدام been بدلا من gone مع الرياضات المنتهية بـ ing:
► Have you ever gone swimming? / Have you ever been swimming?

win (T/I)يكسـب / يفـوز بـ a game/ a race / a medal / a competition / a cup / a match /
a contest مسابقة / support دعم/ مساندة/ تأييد/ love / trust ثقة/ confidence ثقة / approvalاستحسان /war/loyalty ولاء/إخلاص / friends.

•Which year was it that Italy won the World Cup?

beat يهزم / يتغلب علي • Holland beat Belgium by 3/1.
gain يكتسب )information / knowledge معرفة / experience / reputation( سمعة
gain (weight / speed / height يزداد في (الوزن/السرعة/الارتفاع))
earn (money / earn a living) يكسب من عمل
•She earns $40,000 a year.

Achieve a goal يحقق هدف (في الحياة)
Score a goal يسجل هدف (في مباراة مثلا)

•لاحظ استخدام المقطع en لتكوين الفعل من بعض الكلمات:

large كبير enlarge يكبر/يضخم courage شجاعة encourage يشجع
able قادر enable يمكن danger خطر endanger يعرض للخطر
weak ضعيف weaken short قصير shorten يقصر
broad واسع broaden وسع length طول lengthen يطول
wide متسع widen يوسع strong قوى strengthen يقوى

Provide something for يوفر شيء لـ
Provide someone with يمد أو يزود شخص بـ
• The government should provide job opportunities for young men.
• The government should provide young men with job opportunities.
Invent يخترع / discover يكتشف
• Graham Bell invented the telephone.
• Columbus discovered America.
Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes
1. To (take part – take care – take turns – take place) means to do an activity with other people.
2. (Concise مختصر– Precise دقيق– Exercise – Excess) is physical activity which helps people stay healthy
3. A (gold – bronze – silver – iron) medal is a medal for being third in an Olympic race
4. They visit their grandparents (regularly – improperly – bitterly – elderly).
5. (Tennis – Boxing – Judo – Netball) is a sport in which two people try to throw each other onto the ground
6. I play tennis (regularly – seldom – hardly – rarely) at least twice a week.
7. Most people feel (aloud – shy – proud – miserable) when athletes from their country do well in the Olympics.
8. Swimming and cycling are very good forms of (advertise – compromise – merchandise – exercise).
9. (Swimming – Jogging – Camping – Judo) is a Japanese sport which is a kind of fighting.
10. (Boxing – Fixing – Mixing – Taxing) is a sport in which two men wearing gloves hit each other
11. To (take turns – take place – take off – take part) means to do something one after the other.
12. The Olympic Games (takes part – takes turns – takes off - takes place) every 4 years.
13. My plane (takes place – takes off – takes part – takes care) at 10.30 tomorrow.
14. I couldn't take (part – role – place – action) in the race because I had broken my leg.
15. In our English class, the students usually (make – do - take – play) turns to answer the teacher's questions.
16. In school trips, the older students usually take ( part - care – after – place) of the younger ones.
17. Last night, our plane took (down – up - off – forward) two hours late because of bad weather.
18. Egypt (beat – gained – earned – lost) Italy by 1/0.
19. Your job (sounds – tastes – smells – sees) really interesting.
20. International sport can (afford – admire – benefit – distribute) individuals and their countries.


The present perfect simple and continuous

•يستخدم المضارع التام في الحالات الآتية :
1- حدث بدأ في الماضي وما زال مستمرا:
►She has worked very hard this week.
►She has lived here for 10 years.
2- حدث تم مؤخرا أو منذ فترة قريبة :
►He has just passed the exam.
►She has already done the homework.
3 - للتعبير عن خبرة شخص في شيء معين :
►He has always enjoyed fishing.
4- للتعبير عن حدث تم في الماضي وله صلة بالحاضر :
►Charles has written a number of short stories.
•الجملة السابقة تدل ضمنا علي أن هذا الشخص ما زال حيا ويمكن أن يكتب المزيد من القصص
•ويستخدم المضارع التام اذا بدأت الجملة بعبارات معينة مثل:
This / It / That is the first / second / third / only / best / worst, etc.

►This is the first time I have seen this man.
►This is the fifth time you have asked me this question.
►It is the worst film I've (ever) seen.
•لاحظ الفرق بين ما يلي:
•Have / has gone to ذهب إلي مكان ولم يعد منه بعد
•Have / has been to ذهب إلي مكان وعاد منه
►She has been to Myanmar. She came back two days ago.
►He has gone to Turkey. He will be back in a few days.

•ولذلك نستخدم عادة السؤال التالي عندما نسأل شخص عن المكان الذي كان موجودا فيه وعاد منه:
►Where have you been?
►I have been to London.

Present Perfect Continuous

•يتكون المضارع التام المستمر من :

Have been / has been + V+ing.
•ويستخدم المضارع التام المستمر عادة مع الكلمات :
since / ever since / for / all day
•يستخدم المضارع التام المستمر ليدل علي حدث بدأ في الماضي و مازال مستمرا حتى الآن
•ويعبر عن :
1- حدث مستمر حتي الوقت الحاضر :
•I've been studying all day.
2- حدث تم بانتظام بدأ في الماضي واستمر حتي الآن :
•I've been running a lot recently.
•I've been learning Spanish for the last few months.
•It has been raining heavily for the past three days.

3- تفسير لموقف في الحاضر :
•I've been running – that's why I'm so tired.
•I'm sorry about this mess. I've been painting my room.
• وغالبا ما تكون في الجملة كلمات تدل علي الاستمرار:

since…….still for……..now
for……….still for………yet
since …….yet all day

•He has been working there ever since he passed his exams.
•He has been working there for a long time / for 3 years.
•It has been raining for three days now.

•They started to do the homework at 6 o’clock and they are still doing it. (since)
They have been doing the homework since 6 o’clock.
•She started to clean the house two hours ago and she hasn’t finished yet.(for … now)
She has been cleaning the house for two hours now.

•We have been living here for 6 years and we don’t intend to move.
•أحيانا يستخدم المضارع التام المستمر مع How long :
•How long have you been smoking?
•ولكن لاحظ استخدام How long ago بمعني Whenفي الماضي البسيط:
•How long ago did you do the job? = When did you do the job?
•يستخدم هذا الزمن غالبا مع الأفعال التي تستغرق وقتا طويلا إلي حد ما مثل :
teach / learn / rain / cook / sleep / play / run / study / write / read / stay
•It has been raining for the past three hours.
•إذا ذكر عدد مرات حدوث الفعل يستخدم المضارع التام present perfect :
•He has written three letters.
•لاحظ أن هناك أفعال لا تستخدم في الأزمنة المستمرة حتى مع وجود كلمات تدل علي الاستمرار في الجملة: (راجع هذه الأفعال في الوحدة الأولي):
•I have known him for ten years now.
•I have owned this washing machine for 5 years now.
•He has been in the army for 5 years now.

Choose the correct answer:
1- We have been building a new house (since – for – ago – in) last month.
2- He has been learning French (for – since – while- when) the age of six.
3- We have been waiting here (since – for – ago – while) two hours.
4- He has been playing football (since – for – while – when) 16 years.
5- I (work – have to work – have been working – will work) hard since the morning.
6- She (has to revise – has been revising – had revised – revises) for the test for three hours now.
7- She (passes – is passing – has just been passing – has just passed) the driving test.
8- I (tried – was trying – have been trying – have to try) to phone you since yesterday afternoon.
9- (Do – Did – Have – Had) you watched that film yet?
10- Where's Hala? I can't see her. – She (goes – has gone – has been – had been) to the shops.
11- She (has been studying – has been studied – had to be studied – will be studied) hard all day.
12- They (have to learn – had learnt – have been learning – are learning) Spanish for the last few months.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- My father has been travelling abroad six times in the last two months.
2- My brother has just been passing his university exams – that's why he looks so happy.
3- He lives in London for 20 years now and he doesn't intend to move.
4- I'm sorry my clothes are dirty. I clean my garage.
5- I phone my uncle since 8 o'clock this morning. I wonder what the matter is.
6- I didn't see my cousin since the last school holiday.
7- That’s the worst place I’ve never visit.
8- I haven’t talked to him since he leaves school.
9- It’s the first time he is flying in a helicopter.
10- How long is it since you are meeting him?

Have + something + PP

لاحظ استخدام have في نفس زمن الجملة :
 هذا التركيب يعني أن شخصا آخر غير الفاعل هو الذي قام بالفعل:
يمكن أن يأتي هذا التركيب في الأزمنة المختلفة: 

Verb "to have" in different tenses:

Present simple have/has
Present cont. am having/is having/are having
Present perfect have had / has had
Past simple had
Past cont. was having / were having
Past perfect had had
Future simple will have / shall have
Modals Can / may / should / must / be going to + have
• Did you paint the house yourself? No, I had it painted.
• Is she typing the report herself? No, she’s having it typed.
• Someone had cleaned the floor for me. (I….)
I had had the floor cleaned.
• Someone mended her bike the other day. (She…)
She had her bike mended the other day.
• Someone will fix the phone for me. (I….)
I will have the phone fixed.
•The photographer is going to develop the film for them. (They….)
They are going to have the film developed.
 و يمكن استخدام get بنفس الطريقة التي استخدمنا بها :have
• The barber is going to cut my hair.
I am going to get my hair cut.
• Someone is decorating her house.
She is getting her house decorated.
Choose the correct answer:
1- She was having a new dress (make – makes – to make – made).
2- They had the old house (demolish يهدم– demolishing – to demolish – demolished).
3- My friend (got – will have – was having – had) his computer fixed tomorrow.
4- She will get that tree (cut – to cut – cutting – being cut) down tomorrow.
5- My shirt is too long. I’ll have to (do – have – got – had) it shortened.

Making Suggestions Agreeing with suggestions Disagreeing with suggestions
If you ask me, he (should) … That's a good idea. I'm not sure about that
What about + V+ing. I'll go along with that. I don't agree.
I think it'd be a good idea to .. I agree No, I'd prefer to ..
Why don't (you / we)..? That's what I think I wouldn't choose ..
How about + V+ing. That sounds nice I'm not very keen on
Let's .. / Shall we .. Fine by me I really don't feel like it

Test on Unit 9

A- Language Functions
1- Respond to the following situations:
1- Someone suggests going to the shops this afternoon. You agree to go. What do you say?
2- A school friend suggests going to the beach tomorrow. You don't want to go to the beach, but would like to play chess. What do you say?
3- You would like to go on a family trip to Alexandria. Make this suggestion to your father.
4- You and your brother or sister are discussing what to buy your mother for her birthday. You think a necklace would be a good present. Suggest this idea to your brother or sister.

2- Say where these mini-dialogues are taking place and who the speakers are:

1- A: It's nice to see you. I wish you a speedy recovery.
B: Thanks a lot. It’s kind of you to visit me.
A: When will you leave?
B: In two days' time.

2- A: What are you watching my son?
B: It’s the final football match.
A: Have you finished your homework?
B: Yes, I have. My mother checked it.

B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer:
1- The swimmer hoped he would win the race, but he came third and won the (bronze – gold – silver – iron) medal.
2- (Torpedo – Tornado – Judo – Jumbo) is a Japanese sport which is a kind of fighting.
3- A/An (professional – amateur – trainer – coach) is someone who does something because they enjoy it.
4- To (annoy – employ – destroy – convey) means to damage something very badly.
5- A/An (professional – amateur - hero – multinational) is someone who earns money from doing an activity
6- (Daylight – Highlight – Highway – flashlight) is the most interesting, enjoyable part of something
7- A (job – post – career – occupation) is the period of time in your life you spend working.
8- A/An (festival – interval – revival – cannibal) is a time when people celebrate something.
9- (Had – Has – Are – Have) you been watching the tennis tournament this week?
10- I've just (spoken – spoke – speak – speaking) to my brother on the phone.
11- How long (do you learn – did you learn – have you been learning – had you learnt) English? – Since I was 12.
12- When (did you start – have you started – would you start – can you start) learning French? – Three years ago.
13- How long has your father (been worked – work – been working – to work) for this company? –For 10 years.
14- I (have to read - have been reading – read – don't read) that book you lent me and I am really enjoying it.
15- A: I can't wait any longer for the bus. I'm going to walk.
B: (Had you been – Have you been – Are you – Were you) waiting a long time?
A: Yes, for nearly two hours.
16- A: You look tired. What (did you do – would you do – have you been doing – are you doing)?
B:I have been serving customers all day and I haven't even had time for lunch.

4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- What have you been done since we last met?
2- I've been drinking three cups of tea this morning.
3- He plays squash all morning – that's why he looks so tired.
4- An amateur is a person who does as a job what people usually do as a hobby.
5- A silver medal is a medal for being first in an Olympic race.
6- Although he had an injury, he took place in the competition.
C- Reading Comprehension
5- Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Walking along the colourful street market, I realized it would be impossible to leave this place empty-handed. There were imported fruits and vegetables, handmade clothes, beautifully crafted jewellery and much more.
After I had finished my shopping for the day, I had to drag myself away carrying lots of heavy bags, but feeling quite pleased with myself. Should you ever find yourself in Amsterdam, make sure you visit this fantastic European market. The combination of a lively atmosphere, delicious food and traditional goods makes this an experience not to be missed.
When I arrived in the early morning, the market had just opened, but the hustle and bustle of shoppers, tourists and street musicians had already started. The place was jumping with life. The fragrance of freshly cut flowers made the place look bright and festive, As I wandered along, looking at the freshly baked cakes and smelling the mouth-watering aromas of the different pies. I suddenly realized how hungry I was. When I tried one, it tasted delicious.
A-answer the following questions:
1-Why is shopping in the street market a unique experience according to the writer?
2-What advice did the writer give his readers?
3-When did the writer realize that he was hungry?

Choose the correct answer:
4-The market place looked very bright because of ………….
a) freshly baked cakes b) fresh food
c) freshly cut flowers d) freshly ground coffee
5-The expression hustle and bustle means ………….
a) energetic movement b) awful quarrels
c) terrible smell d) good food
6- Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Cheques have largely replaced money as a means of exchange. It should not be forgotten that cheques are quite valueless in themselves. A shopkeeper always runs a certain risk when he accepts a cheque and he is right if he refuses to do so.
An old wealthy friend of mine told me he had an extremely unpleasant experience. He went to a famous jewellery shop and asked to be shown some pearl necklaces. After examining several trays, he decided to buy a fine string of pearls and asked if he could pay by cheque. The assistant agreed, but the moment my friend signed his name, he was invited into the manager’s office.
The manager explained that a person who had used the same name as his offered the shop a worthless cheque not long ago. My friend got very angry and was about to leave when the police arrived. Then the police asked my friend to copy out a note. Fortunately, my friend’s handwriting was quite unlike the thief’s. The police apologized to him and allowed him to leave.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did the shopkeeper refuse to deal with his customers by cheques?
2- Why was the writer’s friend invited into the manager’s office once he signed his name?
3- Find words which mean: a) sometimes b) rich

B)Choose the correct answer:
4- Some customers were arrested by the police for presenting ---------- cheques.
a) valuable b) precious c) worthless d) priceless
5-The writer’s friend was lucky as his handwriting was ---------------the thief’s.
a) like b) different from c) the same as d) similar to
D- Writing
8- Write a paragraph of 7 sentences about
A form of exercise that you enjoy doing

9- A) Translate into Arabic:
In the past, trade - the buying and selling of large quantities of goods - was on a small scale. Today trade has greatly developed and increased. Goods are now transported quickly and safely by air, sea, road and railway.
B) Translate into English:

1- تصدر بلادنا الكثير من المنتجات الجيدة إلي الخارج في كل عام.
2- استطاع المصري عمر سمرة الوصول إلي قمة جبل افرست عام 2007.
علاء أشرف
علاء أشرف
عضو فعال
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 146
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/12/2009
العمر : 30

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الوحدة(9)للصف الثانى الثانوى Empty رد: الوحدة(9)للصف الثانى الثانوى

مُساهمة  السويفى الأربعاء ديسمبر 02, 2009 2:12 am

الوحدة(9)للصف الثانى الثانوى 45345345

أرجو من السـادة مدرسي اللغـة الانجليزية الدخـول للأطـلاع و التعليق و التصويب إن لزم االأمر
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 283
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/08/2009
الموقع : elsoifey1.tk

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

- مواضيع مماثلة

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