مدرسة القطاع الشمالى الثانوية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الوحدة(18)للصف الثانى الثانوى

2 مشترك

اذهب الى الأسفل

الوحدة(18)للصف الثانى الثانوى Empty الوحدة(18)للصف الثانى الثانوى

مُساهمة  علاء أشرف الثلاثاء ديسمبر 01, 2009 3:39 pm


Key Vocab:

ban (v. n.) يمنع / يحظر / منع / حظر demand (n. / v.) طلب / الطلب
dependence اعتماد hunger الجوع
solve يحل reduce يقلل
run out (of) يستنفذ / ينتهي oil البترول / الزيت
climate المناخ atmosphere الغلاف الجوي
carbon dioxide ثاني أكسيد الكربون erupt يثور (للبركان)
greenhouse effect تأثير الصوبة melt يذوب / ينصهر
volcano بركان issue قضية / مسألة
ability قدرة permission إذن / استئذان / سماح
possibility احتمال surprisingly من المدهش


air pollution تلوث الهواء factories مصانع
shortage نقص get worse يصبح أسوأ
climate change تغير المناخ generate electricity يولد الكهرباء
suggestion اقتراح waves أمواج
the wind الرياح globalization العولمة
public transport المواصلات العامة amount كمية / مقدار
available متاح / متوافر officially بصورة رسمية
severe lack نقص حاد fuel وقود
actually في الواقع temperature درجة الحرارة
produce oxygen ينتج الأكسجين protect the earth يحمي الأرض
individuals أفراد flood فيضان
accept يقبل natural reasons أسباب طبيعية
mainly أساسا burn يحرق
rainforests الغابات المطيرة homeless بلا مأوي / مشرد
the Arctic منطقة القطب الشمالي the Antarctic منطقة القطب الجنوبي
wind power طاقة الرياح recycling إعادة الاستخدام
energy-efficient ذو كفاءة في استخدام الطاقة / موفر للطاقة light bulbs مصابيح إضاءة
mixture خليط heat and light الحرارة و الضوء
atmospheric conditions الظروف الجوية sand storm عاصفة رملية
movement الحركة mental skill قدرة عقلية
physical power قوة بدنية authority سلطة
congestion تكدس / ازدحام threaten يهدد
migration الهجرة explode ينفجر
melted rocks صخور منصهرة extreme weather مناخ متطرف
barriers حواجز ice caps قمم جليدية
cattle الماشية energy = power طاقة
convenient مناسب / ملائم final plan خطة نهائية
politics السياسة genetic family فصيلة وراثية
skeleton هيكل عظمي feathers ريش
oppose يعارض remain يبقي / يظل
reproduce يتكاثر / يعيد إنتاج lift يرفع
a remarkable discovery اكتشاف رائع last يستمر
waterfalls شلالات مياه threat تهديد
food waste فضلات الطعام

Words and their antonyms:

accept يقبل reject يرفض
solid صلب liquid سائل
freeze يتجمد melt يذوب / ينصهر
rise يرتفع / ارتفاع fall ينخفض / انخفاض
hospitable كريم الضيافة inhospitable غير مضياف
turn up يعلي turn down يخفض
breathe in يستنشق breathe out يخرج زفير
avoid يتجنب confront يواجه
faithful مخلص unfaithful غير مخلص
curable يمكن علاجه incurable لا يمكن علاجه


take in يمتص / يخدع / يفهم / يؤوي answer to حل أو إجابة لـ
ban … from يمنع ..من allow … to يسمح .. بـ
permit … to يسمح .. بـ prohibit … from يمنع ..من
on account of بسبب demand for الطلب علي
increase by 2 degrees يزداد بمقدار درجتين do a project on/about يعد بحث عن
on a big scale علي نطاق واسع come out of يخرج من
adapt to = adjust to يتأقلم علي bring back يعيد
strange to (him) غريب علي .. make way for يفسح الطريق لـ
by way of عن طريق take down يدون / يسجل

Irregular Verbs:

mishear / misheard يخطئ في سماع overhear / overheard يسمع بالصدفة
misread / misread يخطئ في قراءة oversee / oversaw / overseen يُشرف علي
overeat / overate / overeaten يُفرط في الأكل oversleep / overslept / overslept يُفرط في النوم
slide / slid / slid ينزلق


Verb Noun Adjective
possibility احتمال possible محتمل
dust ينفض التراب dust التراب dusty مترب
erupt يثور eruption ثوران
hunger الجوع hungry جائع
depend يعتمد dependence اعتماد dependent معتمد
oil الزيت / البترول oily زيتي
climate المناخ climatic مناخي
solve يحل solution حل
demand يطلب demand طلب demanding يتطلب اهتمام و جهد
ban يمنع / يحظر ban حظر / منع banned ممنوع
reduce يقلل reduction تخفيض

Important Vocabulary for translation and composition:

surrender يستسلم financial crisis أزمة مالية
rationalize يُرشـد labour productivity إنتاجية الأيدي العاملة
economic recovery انتعاش اقتصادي discount خصم
maximum حد أقصي over-consumption إفراط في الاستهلاك
minimum حد أدني consent موافقة
inputs مستلزمات supply and demand العرض و الطلب
promotion of exports تنمية الصادرات inflation التضخم
free zone منطقة حرة fiscal policy السياسة المالية

Language Notes

• plenty of = a lot of (C/U) كثير من
• There is plenty of food in the fridge.
• There are plenty of books on the table.

•by بنسبة أو بمقدار كذا
• His salary was increased by 10 percent.

•be busy + V+ing مشغول بـ • He was busy doing the homework.
•لاحظ الجمع الشاذ للكلمات الآتية:

Singular Plural singular plural
mouse mice tooth teeth
child children man men
woman women oasis oases
foot feet crisis crises
phenomenon phenomena wife wives
knife knives thief thieves
•When did …? = How long ago did…?
• When did he do the shopping? = How long ago did he do the shopping?
•لاحظ عدم جمع كلمة year في الجملة التالية لأنها تعتبر صفة:
• He was a nine-year-old boy.

• Spend time + V + ing. يقضي الوقت في
• She spent the afternoon reading a science fiction story.
• Spend money on ..ينفق المال على • She spent most of her money on clothes.
• diary مفكرة
• He forgot to write the date of the meeting in his diary.
• dairy متعلق بمنتجات الألبان / معمل ألبان
• Milk, butter and cheese are dairy products.
• on time = punctual, not late في الوقت المحدد – بدون تأخير
• The train arrived on time.
• in time = early enough / soon enough في الوقت المناسب / مبكرا بما يكفي
• He was in time for the 7 o'clock train.

• in case + مضارع بسيط لرُبما / لأن من المحتمل أن ...
• He wears two watches in case one of them stops.
• I don't want to go out in case he phones.
Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes:
Choose the correct answer:
1- The company needs to reduce its (dependence – acceptance – appliance – attendance) on just one particular product.
2- All over the world, people die of (anger - hunger – hanger – danger) every day. They hardly find anything to eat.
3- All world countries should find a (solution – revolution – contribution - precaution) to the problem of over-population.
4- Global warming may lead to serious (critic – electric – climatic – geometric) changes.
5- There are huge price (reductions – instructions – introductions – connections) in all shops this week.
6- A ( hurricane – storm – flood - volcano) is a mountain that sends out smoke and fire.
7- When a volcano (adopts – adapts – erupts - attempts), it sends out smoke and fire.
8- The snow in this area usually (boils – melts – results - spills) by mid March.
9- Cutting down (rainforests – raincoats – rainbows - rainstorms) causes harm to the environment.
10- The gas formed when carbon is burned, or when people or animals breathe out is (oxygen – nitrogen - carbon dioxide – carbon paper)
11- We should take tough measures to reduce environmental (population – pollution – revolution - solution)
12- Carbon dioxide is the main (white house – red house – farm house - greenhouse) gases.
13- The sun gives us (heat – beat – cheat - defeat) and light.
14- The flight was late because of the (genetic – atmospheric – athletic - diplomatic) conditions.
15- When our car broke down, it left (oily – bodily – busily - heavily) marks on the road.
16- The (consumption – corruption – eruption - interruption) of the volcano lasted for nearly three days.
17- That old factory is (saluting – diluting – contributing - polluting) the air in our city.
18- After a sand storm, everything is very (dusty – rusty – modesty – thirsty).
19- I've run (out – away – across - down) of money. I need to borrow some from a friend.
20- The charity is totally (confident – descendant – dependent - evident) on money from the public.

Find the mistake in each of the following sentences and write it correctly:
1- The command for oil this month has exceeded supply.
2- The government is going to put a pan on the import of cars.
3- The plane deduced speed as it approached the airport.
4- The milk has run away. We need to buy some.
5- Plants are the main source of electronic oxygen.


Can / Could for Ability / Possibility and Permission

•تستخدم can / could للتعبير عن الاحتمال Possibility في المضارع:
• Cars can use electricity. (This is possible.)
• We could ban cars from cities. (This would be possible if we wanted it.)
• He can't be Egyptian – he doesn't speak Arabic. (This is not possible)
•تستخدم can للتعبير عن القدرة علي عمل شيء في المضارع:
•Can = be able to + inf. = be capable of + V. + ing = have the ability to + inf.
• I can see very well without glasses.
= I have the ability to see very well without glasses.
= I am capable of seeing very well without glasses.
= I am able to see very well without glasses.

• We can solve this problem.
= We have the ability to solve this problem.
= It is possible for us to solve this problem.
•تستخدم can / can't للتعبير عن أن شيء مسموح به أو غير مسموح به في المضارع:
• You can use my computer.
= You are allowed to use my computer.
= You are permitted to use my computer.

• In some countries, you can drive at the age of 17. (It is permitted by the law مسموح به قانونا)
• In some cities, people can't use their cars every day. (It is against the law. ضد القانون)

•تستخدم could / couldn't للتعبير عن قدرة عامة علي عمل شيء في الماضي (مثل السباحة وركوب الدراجات ، مثلا):
• I could swim at the age of six.
• I couldn't ride a bicycle until the age of nine.
•ولكن عند الحديث عن قدرة محددة علي عمل شيء في الماضي وكان غالبا من الصعب القيام به نستخدم:

Was / were able to
Managed to + inf. = Succeeded in + V. + ing

• I took my car to the garage this morning, where one of the mechanics managed to repair it.
• I'd been trying to send that e-mail all day. Finally, I succeeded in sending it at 6 p.m.
• It was raining and there were no taxis. At last, we were able to arrive home.

•تستخدم could / couldn't للتعبير عن أن شيء كان مسموح به أو غير مسموح به في الماضي:
• In the past, people could drive a car without passing a driving test.
• In the past women couldn't vote in elections. التصويت في الانتخابات
•تستخدم could / can في حالة الطلب والاقتراح:
• What shall we do tonight? – We can / could go to the cinema.
• Can / Could you open that door, please?
•تستخدم can / could للتعبير عن أن شيء سيكون مسموح به في المستقبل:
• You can / could borrow my car tomorrow.
• Can / Could I use your office tomorrow?
•يمكن أيضا أن تستخدم may للتعبير عن أن شيء سيكون مسموح به في المضارع أو المستقبل وهي صيغة رسمية أكثر تهذبا:
• May I use your phone, please?
• You may borrow my camera tomorrow, if you like.
•يمكن استخدام طرق أخري للتعبير عن السماح أو عدم السماح بشيء كما يلي:

•Be allowed to + inf. = Be permitted to + inf. مسموح له
•Be prohibited from + ing ممنوع من .

• You are allowed to park here.
• You are permitted to use this fax machine.
• Parking is prohibited near the government buildings.

Making deductions الاستنتاج
•في حالة التعبير عن الاستنتاج في المضارع نستخدم:
must  I am certain that he isn’t clever. (can’t)
can’t He can’t be clever.
may + inf.
might  Perhaps she speaks German well. (may)
could She may speak German well.

•Must have + PP. تعبر عن استنتاج مثبت مؤكد في الماضي
•The streets are wet. It must have rained last night.
•Can’t have + PP. تعبر عن استنتاج منفي مؤكد في الماضي
• He was here a minute ago. He can’t have gone too far.
•May have + PP. تعبر عن شيء ممكن أو محتمل في الماضي
• He doesn’t get the same train any more. He may have changed his job.
(=Perhaps he changed his job)
•Might have + PP. تعبر عن شيء أقل احتمالا في الحدوث في الماضي
• I haven’t seen Melissa for ages. She might have moved. (=Perhaps she moved.)

• يمكن استخدام could بدلا من may / might :
• و يمكن أن تعبر could have + PP أيضا عن شيء كان من الممكن حدوثه ولكنه لم يحدث:
•Could have + PP.
• He hasn’t visited us for a long time. He could have been busy. (= He may/might have been busy)
• He was able to do the job but he didn’t. (could)
He could have done the job.
Choose the correct answer:
1- The security system will not (permit – prohibit – able – ability) you to enter without the correct password.
2- Parking is strictly (inhabited – indebted – prohibited – infected) in this area.
3- In the past, women (can't – will – shall – couldn't) do certain jobs.
4- (Ought – May – Have – Don't) I ask you a few questions, please?
5- There is plenty of food in the world. We (can – won't – have – should have) feed everyone.
6- He (could have – may have – needn't have – won't have) gone to the cinema, but he preferred to watch a film on TV.
7- He worked on his bike for a long time. Finally, he (could – able – ability – managed) to mend it.
8- A small dog had somehow (managed to – succeeded in – was able – could) surviving the fire.
9- When I was younger I (could – can – was able – managed) stay up all night and not get tired.
10- (Should – Might – Will – Could) I speak to Mr. Davis, please?
11- (May – Might – Should – Can) you buy me some stamps, please?
12- I (shouldn't – can't - couldn't – might not) find my keys this morning so I got into the house through the window.
13- The doctors are doing all that they (shall – will – may – can), but she's still not breathing properly.
14- He (must be – can't be – won't be – must have been) British. He speaks English fluently.
15- He (must be – can't be – won't be – must have been) ill. He eats like a horse.
16- He (will have – must have - could have – need to have) taken the early train. I'm really not sure.
17- You (can – may not – should – can't) take any pictures here. The sign over there says, "No Photographing."
18- She (is capable – has the ability – can – could) to explain things clearly.
19- The rain (might - must – shall – need) have stopped by now. I'm not sure.
20- Accidents (shall – mustn't – can – could have) happen if there are too many cars in city centers.

Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- In the past, people can't find clean water, so there were a lot of diseases.
2- She's been trying to pass her driving test for six years and she's finally managed in passing it.
3- I don't see my neighbour any more. He must moved to a new house.
4- He can read or write. He is illiterate.
5- Excuse me, should you tell me the way to the station, please?
6- We could get into our car because our keys were locked inside.
7-We will keep out of oil in 20 years.
8-Almost any information you need shall be found on the internet.
9-He uses a stethoscope and wears a white coat. He can't be a doctor.
10-She can the ability to do her job very efficiently.

Reported Questions
•Said / said to asked:
 ويمكن تحويل السؤال إلى غير المباشر باستخدام إحدى العبارات الآتيــة

Past Present
He inquired I’d like to know
I wanted to know I want to know
I wondered I wonder
I had no idea I have no idea
I didn’t know I don’t know
He asked He asks
Can you tell me…?
Could you tell me…?

• لاحظ عدم استخدام ضمير مفعول بعد : wonder / inquire

• في حالة الأسئلة التي يجاب عنها بـ yes / no نستخدم if / whether كأداة ربط:
 She said, “ Do you speak French?”
= She asked if I spoke French.
 He said, “Have you ever got burnt?”
He wondered if I had ever got burnt.
• في حالة الأسئلة التي تبدأ بأداة استفهام ، تستخدم نفس أداة الاستفهام كأداة ربط :
 He said, “Where did you get this shirt?”
= He wanted to know where I had got the shirt.
 He said, “ What are you doing now?”
= He asked what I was doing then.
• لاحظ حذف الكلمات do/does/did عند تحويل السؤال إلى غير مباشر:
• تتغيـر الأزمنة فقط إذا بدأ السـؤال بفعل في الماضي:
” How much do you earn?” (He wonders..)
He wonders how much I earn.
 “How much do you earn?” (He wondered…)
He wondered how much I earned.

 في حـالة تحـويل سـؤالين إلى غير مباشر نستخدم and if أو أداة استفهــام and +

 He said, “ Why are you late? Did you miss the bus?”
He wondered why I was late and if I had missed the bus.
 He said, “Where did you buy the trousers. How much did they cost you?”
= He wanted to know where I had bought the trousers and how much they had cost me.
• في حـالة العــرض :offer
 He said, “Shall I get you some tea?” (He offered …)
He offered me some tea. / He offered to get me some tea.
• في حالة الطلب request:
 He said, “Could you open the window, please?” (He asked…)
He asked me to open the window.


•Said to told /asked / advised / begged التمس/ warned حذر /threatened….هدد
• نستخدم to + inf. في الإثبات و نستخدم not to + inf. في النفــي بعد الأفعال السابقة:
• He said to me, “ Read the instructions before you operate the machine.” (He told me ..)
He told me to read the instructions before I operated the machine.
• She said to me, “Don’t ever shout at me.” (She told me…)
She told me never to shout at her.
• He said, "Go away or I’ll call the police.” (He threatened …)
He threatened to call the police if I didn’t go away.
He threatened that he would call the police if I didn’t go away.

Choose the correct answer:
1. She (said – asked – wondered – wanted) me if I had done the shopping.
2. He wondered where (I spend – do I spend – had I spent – I had spent) my holiday.
3. She didn't know if (passed the test – I am passing the test – I had past the test – to pass the test).
4. They asked me what (I do – did I do – I was doing – was I doing) then.
5. She told me (finish – to finish – finishing – not finish) the job quickly.
6. She asked me if I (have already finish – already have finished – already finish – had already finished).
7. He wanted to know why (did I sign – had I signed – I had signed – I am signing) the papers.
8. He wants to know if (there is – is there – had there been – has there been) a post office nearby.
9. The doctor asked me how long (I smoke – smoking – I had been smoking – I am smoking).
10. They told me not (making – makes – to make – made) any noise.

Communication Skills

Asking for permission Giving Permission Refusing Permission
May I use your telephone? Certainly. Sorry, I'm afraid you can't.
Can I use your telephone? Yes, of course. I'd rather you didn't.
Could I use your telephone? No problem. Sorry, I'm using it at the moment.
Do you mind if I use your telephone? Not at all. / No, of course not. Yes, I do.
I wonder if I could use your telephone. Sure. I'm sorry you can't.
•لاحظ الرد عند الاستئذان باستخدام Do you mind if
• Do you mind if I borrow your camera?
No, of course not. (Agreeing)
Yes, I do. (Disagreeing)
Test on Unit 18

A- Language Functions
1- Respond to the following situations:
1- You are doing a project on public transport. You want to find out information from a friend. What do you ask him?
2- A friend asks if they can interview you to find out your opinion on the environment. You are happy about this. What do you say?
3- You are doing a project on your local environment. You want some information from an important person in your town. What formal question do you ask?
4- Someone asks if they can interview you. Unfortunately, you have much to do. What do you say?

2- Say where these mini-dialogues are taking place and who the speakers are:

21- A: Can I get some information about restaurants.
Where I can have my meals?
B: Certainly sir. What kind of restaurants?
A: Not expensive ones. But not cheap either.

2- A: How can I help you?
B: I have an appointment with the director.
A: May I have your name, please?
B: Ali Ahmed.
A: O.K. I'll tell him you are here.
B- Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer:
1. Unlike oil and gas, we will never (run – set – turn – take) out of energy from the wind and sun.
2. The (band – brand – command -demand) for bottles of water increases in hot weather.
3. If there is not enough food, people can die of (thirst – hunger – headache – drowning).
4. Countries should meet together to (compare – think - solve – complicate)the problem of global warming.
5. Some people believe we should (brain – ban – plan - draw) cars near schools.
6. In the future, more cars will use electricity instead of (oil – foil – boil - soil).
7. The (sky – heaven - atmosphere – weather) is a mixture of gases round the earth.
8. Carbon dioxide is a (solid – liquid – gas – vapour) from animals and when fuel is burned.
9. By the age of five, I (can – may – should – could) swim, but I couldn't go swimming on my own.
10. I (can't – mustn't – needn't – shouldn't) see well without my glasses.
11. In my country, you (must – may – can't – ought) go on public roads until you are 18 even if you can drive.
12. A hundred years ago, many people (can't – shouldn't – won't – couldn't) read or write.
13. There was nobody when I phoned. They (can't have – must have – needn't have – will have) gone out.
14. They (might have – must have – should have – will have) sold their old car. We can't be sure.
15. You (ought to – might not – can – won't) borrow my car tomorrow as long as you drive carefully.
16. There are cars which (may have – can't have – can – need) use electricity.

4- Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:
1- He had no keys. He must get into the house through the window.
2- When I was young, I can ride a bicycle.
3- You may not park your car here. It's against the law.
4- The demand on oil is increasing all the time.
5- Hanger causes the death of thousands of people every year.
6- The volcano adapted and caused a lot of damage.
C- Reading Comprehension
5- Read the passage then answer the questions:
The ancient Greeks always asserted that a healthy mind in a healthy body is the key to a well-balanced life. Nowadays many schools are decreasing the amount of time given to sports, and some schools are removing it altogether.
Firstly, schools have a responsibility to educate children in all areas. For that reason, it is just as important to provide sports practice for the professional sportsmen and women of the future, as it is to provide academic training to those who will go on to university.
In addition, students these days spend long hours studying or working at their computers. Therefore, they need the opportunity to do some physical activity during school day. This will not only help to increase their level of fitness and make them healthier, it will also mean that they develop better social skills and are able to concentrate on their studies for longer, and thus achieve better results.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that all children have the right to get a balanced education. They should not be deprived of the opportunity to learn how to play sports.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- In your opinion, how could practicing sports at schools help students later in university and at work ?
2- Why is it important to practice sports during the school day?
3- What should not children be deprived of?
B) Choose the correct answer:
4- Which statement is not true?
a) Sports encourage team spirit. b) Sports give the change to be physically fit.
c) Sports help students become more successful. d) Sports lead to overweight.
5- The ancient Greeks believe that------------------
a) There is a connection between intelligence and a strong body.
b) Well-balanced food is important.
c) There is a negative effect of sports on the body.
d) Studying is more important than sports.

6- Read the passage then answer the questions:
Over the past twenty years, computers and the Internet have become more and more important to us. In fact, depending on computer technology continues to grow everyday. We seem to use computers for almost everything these days: in shopping, driving our car or communicating with relatives and colleagues.
This explosion in computer technology has resulted in a rush to install computers in every classroom and to “wire” every school to the Internet. Both educators and students alike have been forced to keep up with this new wave of technology. Teachers have found that even though they themselves are still trying to learn the most basic of computer skills, they are expected to teach students about computer know-how.
Some educators claim that students who are given the opportunity to use computers in classroom will get better grades. These people say that just as computer technology has improved the way cars work, computers will make the classroom a better place to teach concepts and ideas that students need to become brighter, more successful adults.
A)-Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
1-How could computers help students become more successful ?
2-Give some examples of everyday uses of computers in our lives.
3-In your opinion, what are the possible disadvantages of using computers in education?
B) Choose the correct answer:
4- Teachers are expected to teach students how to use computers although ---------
a) they know how to use computers.
b) they are still learning how to use computers.
c) they know all the basics of computer skills.
d) they are forced to use computers.
5-“Few people would question the role that computes could play.” means…………. .
a) Many people are certain about the importance of computers.
b) Some people ask questions about computers.
c) Not many people doubt the importance of computers.
d) Some people want more computers.

8- Write a paragraph of seven sentences about:
The problem of global warming and how we can solve it
You can write about:
= Causes of this problem. = Solutions to this problem.

9- A)Translate into Arabic:
The carbon dioxide in the air causes the temperature of the earth to rise. This will cause the snow at the Poles to melt. If this happens, it will cause flooding, food shortages and migration on a very big scale.

B) Translate into English:
1- عُقدت الكثير من المؤتمرات الدولية لمحاولة العثور علي حل لمشكلة الاحتباس الحراري.
2- إن قطع الغابات المطيرة يؤثر تأثيرا سلبيا علي البيئة و المناخ.
علاء أشرف
علاء أشرف
عضو فعال
عضو فعال

عدد المساهمات : 146
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/12/2009
العمر : 31

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الوحدة(18)للصف الثانى الثانوى Empty رد: الوحدة(18)للصف الثانى الثانوى

مُساهمة  السويفى الأربعاء ديسمبر 02, 2009 2:26 am

الوحدة(18)للصف الثانى الثانوى Thanxxneww

أرجــــــــو من السـادة مدرســي اللغـة الانجليزية الدخـول للأطـلاع و التعـــــليق و التصـويب إن لـــزم االأمـــر
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 283
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/08/2009
الموقع : elsoifey1.tk

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

- مواضيع مماثلة

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